Bad Design Project Domenic Borgese Engineering Design, Section 006
Bad Design-Bed Risers Lip Angled Edge
Circular and Slanted Bed Risers do not not fit into corners. Bed
Current Facts about Bed Risers Avg. Price of Bed Risers: $8-$10 Primary Material: Molded Plastic Variety of Colors
Straighten two sides, leave front two slanted, increase height, remove lip.
Pros and Cons of New Design Same Cost Fits tightly into corners Greater height allows for more storage No more gap between bed and wall Slight Loss of Stability Variety of angles makes harder to produce
References: Bed risers Slide 2 – Pictures on Slide 3 taken by me Facts on Slide 4 – risers risers – risers Slide 5 Solid Works design by me