Treasure Trove Tribune Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Sharpening skills for success! Week 4 Students Worked Hard this Week to Exhibit Perfect Behavior Attached to this newsletter you should find the following items: 1.Weekly Progress Report *Please sign and return 2.Your student’s graded work from the week 3.ELA Home Connection Page * Please detach and help your child with the skills identified, please note that the spelling list is on the back side. 4.Term 1 Daze Benchmark Test/ 15 and above is good! I have reviewed my child’s work and progress report. ___________________________________________________ Parent Signature Student Self Assessment Write (Y) for yes, (A) for Almost and (N) for No ____1. I can name the place and values of digits in a number ____2. I can use the skill of compare and contrast to strengthen my comprehension skills ____3. I can maintain a clean desk ____4. I can stay focused and complete my planner page. Name______________#___ Establishing good habits now will pay off in the long run! Which student will have an advantage in being successful in school?
Party Times Fall Party: Thursday, October 29 2:30-3:15 Winter Party: Festivals From Around the World Friday, December 18, 10:30-11:30 Valentines Party Friday February 12 th 12:30-1:15 Party helpers include: Mrs. Jensen, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Nix, Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs. Cheever We will select a representative for each party and they will be in charge and let others know what needs to be done! Thanks for your support in advance! Students scoring 80% or above on our first math exam OA.4 Congratulations Yeah! Students did great on first book report!
ELA Parent Page to Help Prepare for Week 4 (Detach and Keep)
Practice Using your spelling words in a sentence. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Comprehension Skill (Main Idea/Supporting Details)