Fountas and Pinnell LLI System
Provide 1-2 lessons daily Use EOY LLI and Benchmark data to organize small, leveled groups Discuss sample schedules Use the F & P LLI correlation chart for weekly intervention grades Suggested materials Summer School LLI Guidelines
Each box includes: Technology Package: Lesson Resources, Data Management, Professional Development and Tutorial CD Even and Odd Numbered Lessons Odd numbered lessons focus on: new instructional level book. The learner will work on reading, and discussion of meaning along with phonics and word work. Even numbered lessons focus on: Rereading books and assessment, phonics/word work, writing about reading, new book and optional letter/word work.
Learning is centered around four critical areas: Reading Text Writing Texts Phonics/Word Study Oral Language Learning
EOY LLI data EOY Benchmark data Organizing Leveled Groups
LLI Weekly Intervention Grades
* Find space where children can face you and have their back to the rest of the class to help maintain their focus. * Intervention lessons are designed to require a minimum of planning time for teachers, but you will need to review the week’s lessons and prepare corresponding materials.
White board and dry erase marker for group phonics and writing Small individual whiteboard and dry erase marker for each child to use for word study Thin, dark- colored markers for the children to use to write Chart paper for phonics and writing Three sets of small, multicolor lower case magnetic letters for letter and word work One set of multicolor uppercase magnetic letters for letter and word work Cardstock for printing games and some charts One inch sentence strips One inch white correction tape to cover errors when writing Pocket chart for word work Highlighter marker Highlighter tape