FDR and the New Deal In 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt pledged a “New Deal” for the American people. The New Deal was based upon FDR’s 3 R’s to achieve short- and long-term goals: 1.Recovery -help American businesses, agriculture, and the economy as a whole 2.Relief -provide immediate relief to jobless, homeless, and hopeless 3.Reform -address the abuses within American institutions that helped cause the depression. Provide long- term govt. protection for workers & families.
FDR organized a group of key advisors know as the “Brain Trust” who were law professors from Columbia and Harvard. First 100 Days “Recovery” 1.National Recovery Admin. (NRA) industrial recovery= set up codes for reasonable profits for business and fair wages/hours for workers. Workers given the right to organize- declared U.C. 2.Agricultural Adjustment Admin. (AAA) farm recovery= govt. $ to farmers in return for reducing production. Goal was for farm prices and income to rise- declared U.C.
“Relief” 1.Public Works Admin. (PWA) federal $ to state and local govt. to build roads, bridges, dams, public works= creates thousands of jobs- declared U.C. 2.Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) employed young people in outdoor conservation work 3.Tenn. Valley Authority (TVA) jobs created building dams along the Tenn. river. Hydroelectric power plants were constructed to supply electricity and attract industry and more jobs 4.Civil Works Admin. (CWA) hired laborers for temporary construction projects that were sponsored by the federal govt.
Second New Deal “Relief” 1.Works Progress Admin. (WPA) created more jobs on construction projects= hospitals, schools, parks, bridges, roads, airports -jobs for artists, writers, actors 2.National Youth Admin. (NYA) provided young people with part-time jobs in and around schools to encourage finishing their education
“Reform” 1.National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) Wagner Act= major victory for labor movement -replaced the labor provisions of the NRA -guaranteed workers the right to join unions and bargain collectively -set up the NLR Board= govt. agency to enforce the law 2.Rural Electrification Admin. (REA) govt. loans to electrical companies to provide power to rural areas 3.Social Security Act created a national system of pensions for the elderly and unemployment compensation for people who lost their jobs or were disabled