Rocío Prieto, Co-Chair CEER LNG TF 20 th Madrid Forum September 2011 Amendment of GGPSSO for CAM and CMP
220 th Madrid Forum, 26/27 September 2011 Finalising GPSSO for CAM and CMP Steps taken after Madrid Forum in March 2011: 1.Discussion of implementation issues with GSE in June Main critical points were additional regulatory power and obligation for SSOs to develop secondary markets 2.Redrafting of the amendment of GGPSSO mitigation above all of regulatory oversight and the guideline for developing the secondary market 3.Short consultation of the revised version with EFET and Eurogas 4.Final redrafting of the GGPSSO 5.After CEER internal approval publication on the CEER homepage
320 th Madrid Forum, 26/27 September 2011 Next steps GGPSSO ►Monitoring of the implementation status of the GGPSSO on CAM and CMP; ►Starting end of 2012.
420 th Madrid Forum, 26/27 September 2011 Way forward ►Monitoring of the implementation status of transparency rules according to Article 19 Regulation 715/2009 Compliance of SSOs with 3 rd Package; Stakeholders experience about the appropriateness of the rules that are in place for transparency. ►Starting end of 2011.
520 th Madrid Forum, 26/27 September 2011 Thank you for your attention!