LIGHTING & COLOUR Lighting: The set is naturally lit by the windows on the side which are shown in the first few seconds, however the lighting was probably enhanced with artificial lighting off camera. One scene towards the end of the advert shows the two animal characters laying on a sofa which is lit by the table lamp above them. Colour: The colours used are very low toned and subtle shades of red, yellow, beige and green.
PROPS The props used include: a bird cage, a sofa, a bottle of milk and a lamp switch. All of these props except the bottle of milk and cup are used by the budgie and cat as they move across the set. However the bottle of milk is used by, we assume, the animals owner as she stands amazed by the scene in front of her.
SCENERY/LOCATION The set for this advert is a small house, the room used is a an open plan kitchen/lounge and the interior looks modern in design.
SOUND There is a song playing over the footage throughout the advert and the two animal characters are shown to be singing along to it as a duet. The only other sound we hear is the light switch being turning on and the promotional dialogue at the end.
COSTUMES The costume worn by the owner is a plain skirt with a sweater vest. They are very dull colours
ACTOR POSITIONS/REACTIONS The cat and budgie both look very happy, where as the owner is very shocked and surprised. The actress moves from the foreground in the beginning of the advert, to the background later on. Where as the other characters are always in the foreground.
TARGET AUDIENCE Adults and any homeowners.
CONVENTIONS Logo/ price/ deal