Booster identification/disconnections Follow-up Enlarged project meeting, 11.12.2015 E. HARROUCH, EN-MEF, on behalf of the Injector De-cabling Project.


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Presentation transcript:

Booster identification/disconnections Follow-up Enlarged project meeting, E. HARROUCH, EN-MEF, on behalf of the Injector De-cabling Project Team

Booster: YETS schedule 1 week less for identification labelling and disconnection Work in 2 shifts ( for de-cabling project & for EN-EL activities) Intervention stage 1 in week 50,51/2015 : 07/12  18/12 Intervention stage 2 in week 3,4/2016 : 18/01  29/01

New Dashboard for Booster Groupe Nombre de cableConnectéDeconnectéInconnuStatut EN-EL3003No DEC EN-MEF96000 EN-STI TE-MSC TE-EPC TE-VSC TE-MPE47055 TE-ABT BE-RF12200 BE-BI BE-CO IT-CS20000 No DEC GS-ASE1400 PH-LBD230 0 Others64800 No DEC Total

Follow up tool SharePoint website : Will be used to extract one DEC for all the groups Used by the project team on a daily basis to monitor the progress Please give us feedback 4G devices can be provided on demand (~120CHF / Device) to have internet in the booster