Warm-up (8/23/12) Please fill out the student information card at your assigned seat Using the white paper, please make a legible name tag like the one on the front desk – feel free to use the markers in the box up front!
Western Literature and Composition I Mrs. Kate Suarez
Classroom Expectations Be respectful of materials, peers, and teachers Be prompt and prepared Participate and actively engage in activities Try your best and be your best! Keep work neatly organized Ask questions! Don’t wait until it’s too late! Take notes… you will review them often Try to take your bathroom breaks during passing period Please save side conversations for after class – class time is work time Be flexible…
Routine Check white board/projection first thing for homework corrections and/or warm-up activity Hand signals – “time out!” Transition times between activities – what does this look like? What is acceptable? Wait for me to dismiss class
SVA’s Consequences for Misbehavior 1. Classroom Reminder 2. Meeting After Class 3. Lunch Detention 4. Call Home to Parent 5. Detention & Call Home 6. Office Referral * Severe offences: automatically #5 & 6
Cornell Notes 1. Record – leave spaces between thoughts. Neatness is not important; organization is important 2. Reduce – simple phrases, cue words, key points – brevity and simplicity 3. Review – summary of notes, ideas for further research