ERV Team 2 Final Report Alicia Cole-Quigley James Gilson Erin Hammond Domenic Marcello Matt Miller Jeff Rosenberger
ERV Team 2 Final Report Alicia Cole-Quigley James Gilson Erin Hammond Domenic Marcello Matt Miller Jeff Rosenberger
Mission Overview Send uncrewed Earth Return Vehicle (ERV) and In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Plant to Mars 26 months later, send crewed transport with 4 crewmembers and supplies Crew spends 550 days on Martian surface and conducts scientific experiments Crew returns to Earth in ERV
Primary Objective The safe transport and return of the human crew for the duration of the defined mission.
Secondary Objectives the investigation of extended duration human spaceflight the efficient conversion of Martian atmosphere and resources to support mission objectives the investigation of psychological effects of such a mission on the crew successful return of experimental data regarding Mars and prolonged human exposure to low gravity the promotion of global unity through exploration of the solar system and beyond the ability to provide extra resources (10% more propellant than needed) for a Mars Rover
Launch Vehicle Interface Inline core vehicle with two attached Shuttle boosters Payload is aft mounted on expendable core vehicle One-third launch costs of Titan IV with 5x the payload capability
Navigation/Attitude Control 4 Control Moment Gyros (CMGs) Cold gas thrusters as failsafe for CMGs 3 Ball CT-633 Stellar Attitude Sensors 2 TNO Sun Acquisition Sensors 6 Honeywell QA3000 Accelerometers
Propulsion 3 RD-192 Methane Engines Liquid Methane/Liquid Oxygen Designed by Glushko Produces 2138 kN of thrust I sp of 356s Gimbaling capability ± 8 ° in 2 planes
Structure “Banana split” configuration 3 floors Private areas Scientific experiments Common areas /marsbases/lores/s97_07837.jpg
Crew Accommodations & Human Factors Crew composition: 2 male, 2 female More private space than currently on ISS Rear entry “climb in” EVA suits ISS Fire Detection System Solid Amine CO 2 scrubbers
Command, Control, & Communications MOCC, SOCC, and POCC at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas 2 LM RAD-6000 computers 2-way sound, video, text, and data capability Low-gain antenna just after launch and into LEO High-gain antenna using Deep Space Network for mission duration
Entry/Descent - Mars Orbital maneuvering system (OMS) and aerobraking for entry into Martian orbit Establish stable orbit Fire retrorockets to descend Combination parachute and retrorocket for landing
Landing Site on Mars Daedalia Planum Consists of old lava flows 25° South latitude; 127.5° West longitude Good location in terms of both wind and solar power
Entry/Descent/Landing - Earth OMS and aerobraking to enter low Earth orbit Establish stability in LEO Await taxi to return crew to Earth’s surface
Thermal Protection Inconel 617 Density of 8.36 g/cm 3 Doubles as structural shell Used and tested on X-33 Panels are easy to repair or replace
Power SP100 Nuclear Reactor Wind turbines (Lakota SC) Exercise equipment ISRU Technologies Sabatier Process Reverse Water Gas Shift Electrolysis
Future Work Finish sensor trade study Continue research on RD-192 Develop appropriate radiation shielding system for ERV Investigate reentry dynamics Study high energy transfer orbits Calculate crew food, water, and fresh air requirements Research Inconel manufacturing Detailed numerical analysis of power subsystem Landing “Banana Split”
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