Two IT Projects that were successful & Two failure projects
The Frist successful IT Project Installation of LED light system for the Empire State Building May of 2012 was the start of the project Finished November 2012 Planning and flexibility were the key Testing was performed at every stage Customer sensitivity with the builds tenants Old system was continuously running during the install
The benefits from this project were cost reduction and improved safety while reducing delays and communication for air traffic control
The Project Management Institute summarized what made this successful Effective leadership along and management skills Instituting a governance process Technology and methodology can yield significant benefits Cooperation from airline, aircraft manufacturers and many other stakeholders
The 1999 Mars space probe from NASA was “lost” and the project was a failure due to poor project management
Investigation for the Failure Reveals Two teams involved used different systems of measurement Inadequate consideration of the entire mission Communications and training had been inconsistent No complete end-to-end verification or navigation software and related computer models Minimizing risk factors in the project
This project was to upgrade software and hardware for FBI agents, the communication network and FBI’s case management system
The FBI’s upgrade was a three phase project The first two upgrades were completed which was not prefect The Virtual Case File phase had major cost and schedule overruns and never achieved its objectives Vague and inappropriate requirements Scope creep Scheduling by desired outcomes, not resource based estimates Cost plus contracting Lack of clear ownership
References: Lay, Mike (2012) The New Empire State of Mind Retrieved from: flights-and-light-bulbs-2-case-studies-from-the-front- lines-of-innovation.html NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter Project Retrieved from: The Failure of FBI’s Virtual Case File Project Retrieved from: virtual-case-file-project-and-project-failure/