Outline 1. General Layout of the Nervous System: A System of Twos a. CNS vs. PNS b. brain vs. spinal cord c. somatic vs. autonomic d. efferent vs. afferent e. sympathetic vs. parasympathetic 2. The Meninges, Ventricles and the Blood-Brain Barrier 3. Cells of the Nervous System a. Neurons b. Glial Cells 1. Neuroanatomical Techniques
General Layout of the Nervous System
Golgi Stain of the Somatosensory Cortex of the Rat – arrow indicates axon
Nissl stain of human motor cortex
Nissl Stain of Monkey Brain
Myelin Stain – Monkey Brain
THE GROSS ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Outline 1. Orientation and Direction in the Vertebrate Nervous System 2. The Spinal Cord 3. The Five Major Divisions of the Brain a. Myelencephalon b. Metencephalon c. Mesencephalon d. Diencephalon e. Telencephalon