-Robert Munsch “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.”
Robert’s Life Born June 11, 1945 Lived in Pittsburg Pennsylvania Grew up in a family of nine Worked in a daycare for a couple years. Went back to school to learn about kids Went to work at a Daycare where he began to write Went around and told sorties to kids Since then he has won many awards and written 54 books! Did not like school As a kid wrote Poems and stories Came up with a book while student teaching His boss wife was the one to tell him to publish his books Fun Facts
Complete list of Books Angela's Airplane Millicent and The Wind Giant; or Waiting for the Thursday Boat Pigs! Something Good Good Families Don't Show and Tell A Promise is a Promise Moira's Birthday Purple Green and Yellow Where is Gah-Ning? From Far Away Jonathan Cleaned Up — Then He Heard a Sound Thomas' Snowsuit 50 Below Zero I Have To Go! Michael Martchenko Get Me Another One Stephanie's Ponytail Alligator Baby Get Out of Bed The Fire Station Wait and See Andrew's Loose Tooth We Share EVERYTHING! Aaron's Hair Mmm, Cookies Up, Up, Down Makeup Mess More Pies Playhouse Ribbon Rescue Lighthouse Zoom Mud Puddle The Dark Boo! Smelly Socks The Sandcastle Contest Deep Snow I'm So Embarrassed! No Clean Clothes Class Clown Just One Goal Look at Me! Down the Drain Roar! Put Me In A Book Too Much Stuff! Moose! Give Me Back My Dad! Murmel Murmel Murmel The Boy in the Drawer David's Father Mortimer
A Few of Robert’s Book
“I am a storyteller. I write books for kids, I talk to kids, and I listen to kids.” - Robert Munsch
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