“How to convince people the church is important?” Why do so many want nothing to do with a church? Ignorant of Scriptures Bad press – sometimes deserved Used car salesman Politicians PreachersChurches
It happened one passover… Jesus instituted Lord’s supper Corinthians... back to the Passover or changed it to common meal. Lk.22 Divided Corinthians Unleavened bread: His body Fruit of vine: His blood HungryFilled
1 Co.11:17 “Now in giving these instructions I do not praise you, since you come together not for the better but for the worse” Gathering did more harm than good It’s not enough merely to assemble
I. Coming Together
Assembling is... Required 1. Required. 1 Co.11:17-34 1 Co.16:2 Ac.20:7 Hb.10:24-25 Edifying 2. Edifying. 1 Co.14 On the first day of every week…
I. Coming Together II. Coming Together For The Worst
From bad to worse to worst Rebuked, 17 Divided, Not L.S., Selfish, Sinned, Judged, Weak, Sick, and Dead (30) Meant to bless; became a curse
Could we be guilty? In ignorance, Gn.4; Ex.19; Lv.10 Forget blessings of worship, Is.1; Mal.3 Ritual w/o meaning, Mal.1:12-13 With malice, Mt.5:…23-24 Practice doctrines of men, Mt.15:8 Change purpose of worship. 1 Co.14 Do what pleases us, Col.2:23
I. Coming Together III. Coming Together For The Better II. Coming Together For The Worst
1. Thanksgiving, Ps Joy, Ps.122:1 Not forced by law Not bound by duty Forced by heart’s desire
1. Thanksgiving 2. Joy 3. Unity, Ps Praise, Ps Obedience, Jn.4:23-24; 1 Co Remembrance, 1 Co.11:24 Humility 1 Co.14:25 Gratitude Lk.7 Love 1 Jn.4:19