January 10, 2005SUSY meeting1 Status of eμ low-p T trilepton analysis M.Rossi,G.Pauletta,M.Giordani Udine University
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting2 Since last time Fixed bug in Larry Correction for muon p T □Following now Join Physics prescription □Larry Correction not applied at MC eμ and μe channels separately First look at fakes in the dilepton CRs
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting3 Lepton+fake Calculation Using CEM8 and CMUP8 inclusive samples Lepton+fake selection requiring events with □real first lepton ■CEM8 for eμ and CMUP8 for μe □fake lepton using Liverpool method Should rescale for the trigger efficiency (ε CEM4 /ε CEM8 ) but □Don’t have the numbers handy □Neglecting it as a first estimate should be fine ■ε CEM4 = 0.956, ε CEM18 = ■ε CMUP4 = 0.92, ε CMUP18 = 0.90 Rescale for the considered integrated luminosity
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting4 eμ (20,8) selection OS SS MeμMeμ MET
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting5 μe (20,8) selection OS SS MμeMμe MET
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting6 eμ (10,5) selection MeμMeμ OS SS MET
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting7 μe (10,5) selection OS SS MμeMμe MET
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting8 Conclusions Still a lot to understand □eμ (10,5) still problematic, fakes did not solve the discrepancy Any suggestion is more than welcome
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting9 Data and MC Data □SUSY dilepton dataset edil0d ■Good run list v7 no silicon ▫ 224pb -1 up to February 2004 □Dielectron events ■ DIELECTRON_CENTRAL_4 trigger □Dimuon events ■ DIMUON_CMUPCMUP4 trigger □Electron-Muon events ■ CEM4_CMUP4 trigger
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting10 Data and MC MC □Signal point ~360fb -1 (m 0 =100,m 1/2 =180,A 0 =0,tanβ=5,μ>0) □DY sexo9t (Z ll, M ll >5GeV/c 2 ) ~5fb -1 □ttbar (ttopel) ~170fb -1 □WW (wtop1w) ~34fb -1 □ZZ (multilepton) ~535fb -1 □WZgamma (MadGraph) ~ fb -1 □bbbar (Giovanni) ~30pb -1
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting11 Lepton Selection High p T (>20GeV/c) CEM and CMUP selection □Standard top/ewk definition 4-20GeV/c p T range □Muon ID as in CDF 7197 (Purdue) □Electron ID as high p T CEM ID Scale Factors CMUP ID Scale Factors SF E T CDF note GeV GeV >20GeV 7309 SF E T CDF note GeV GeV >20GeV 7309 SF P T CDF note GeV >20GeV 7309 SF P T CDF note GeV >20GeV 7309
January 10, 2005SUSY meeting12 eμ Control Regions □MET>15 GeV and nJET<2 (A+E) □MET>15 GeV and nJET>1 (A2+F) □MET<10 GeV and nJET<2 (G+I) □MET 1 (H+J) 1 st lepton p T >20 GeV/c 2 nd lepton p T >8 Gev/c