SOL Quiz 6 American Revolution
1. Which of the following reasons INCORRECTLY states the justifications that Thomas Paine gave for independence in "Common Sense"? a. monarchy was an illegitimate form of government b. America did not need British mercantile connections to succeed in commerce c. that a continued association would be "repugnant to reason" d. that Britain was to blame for the great number of Scots-Irish and Germans who immigrated to the colonies in the late 18th century Thomas Paine did not say that Great Britain was to blame for the Scots-Irish and Germans who immigrated to America. In fact, he informed his fellow colonists that America's ethnic diversity was yet another reason to break with Great Britain.
2. Who is given credit for writing the Declaration of Independence? a. John Adams b. Thomas Jefferson c. James Madison d. Benjamin Franklin In June of 1776, the Second Continental Congress established a committee to draft a declaration of independence. On the panel were John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. While the others made contributions (and Congress revised the draft submitted by the committee), Thomas Jefferson wrote the majority of the work.
3. Which idea is NOT included in the Declaration of Independence? a. governments are created to protect people's rights b. each person has certain unalienable rights c. people have the right to alter or abolish corrupt government d. all people are entitled to political equality The phrase "all men are created equal" was not interpreted to mean that all people, regardless of race, creed, or sex, possessed the same political rights, such as the right to vote.
4. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson and the Congress listed grievances against George III and the British government. Which of the following was one of these grievances? a. The British established a system of slavery. b. The British forced colonists into a system of indentured servitude. c. The British cut off colonial trade with all parts of the world. d. The British denied colonists freedom of religion. They were referring to the Navigation Acts, which had restricted colonial trade with the rest of the world. These laws also required colonists to trade with Britain. Many colonists believed that these laws enriched the mother country at the expense of the colonies.
5. America's national government between 1776 and 1781 was the a. Second Continental Congress b. Albany Plan of Union c. Articles of Confederation d. federal government established by the Constitutional Convention After declaring the colonies independent on July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress became America's provisional (temporary) national government. Plans for a permanent constitution, called the Articles of Confederation, were quickly drawn up (1777); but they were not ratified until 1781.