Date: 9/14 (B) Outcome: Students will identify and evaluate types of renewable and nonrenewable resources. Question: How can natural resources be identified.


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Presentation transcript:

Date: 9/14 (B) Outcome: Students will identify and evaluate types of renewable and nonrenewable resources. Question: How can natural resources be identified and classified? Activities: DO NOW! ~ 5 minutes to review for Energy Resource Quiz from your SJ Energy Resource Quiz (Assessment = 15 minutes) SJ entry B12 Observing Natural Resources B12 Observing Natural Resources lab Analysis Questions 1a, 1b, and 1c Homework: any unfinished work

After Energy Quiz SJ entry B12 Observing Natural Resources __.__.____ In SJ entry, organize the following words into two categories: rocks, cars, trees, soil, air, airplanes, water and plastic.

natural resource – any naturally occurring substance that is useful renewable resources – materials such as water, plants or animals that are naturally replenished by natural processes non-renewable resources – materials such as petroleum, coal, natural gas, and many minerals that cannot be easily or quickly replaced by natural systems.

B12 Observing Natural Resources __.__.____ Challenge Question: What do natural resources look like? Materials: Inventory and Check page B-4

Procedure: 1. Examine natural resource. Natural ResourceObservationsRankingReasons for Ranking Coal Rock with fossils Rock with garnets Wood 2.Repeat step 1 for all. 3.Discuss value. 4.Rank. 5.Complete table. 6.Discuss rankings. Data: see table in step 1

Analysis Question/Conclusion: B12 AQ 1a. What was the most valuable natural resource, according to the class? The most valuable natural resource in class was…. 1b. What was the least valuable natural resource, according to the class? The least valuable natural resource in class was… 1c. What reasons did other students have for identifying a natural resource as more or less valuable? Some reasons for these choices are:

B12 AQ3 Copy the list of words shown below (coal, natural resource, salt, garnet, plastic) a.Look for a relationship among the words. Cross out the word or phrase that does not belong. b.Circle the word or phrase that includes the other words (BIG IDEA). c.Explain how the word or phrase you circled is related to the other words in the list.