Surprise! You’re The Project Manager!!! IPMA Professional Development April 19, 2006 Diane Vasarkovy, Wolf Consulting
Learning the Hard Way It’s always hard You aren’t alone All projects are different All projects are the same Good news = there ARE common ingredients for success
A Typical Story Innocent Line Worker Take a Little Initiative Boom! The project reward. Growth Potential Seasoning Opportunity
PM is Just Another Duty…. NOT! A Whole ‘Other Discipline Lots of Training Years of Experience But, you start tomorrow…..
My Seven Best Mistakes How We Learn Every Pain is a Gift Embarrassment, the Real Motivator Experience is the Best Teacher
1. Where’s The Sponsor? Mistake: absent or uninvolved sponsor Success = refuse to start without one Success = get role straight Success = plan communications Success = obtain commitment
2. Where’s The Team? Mistake: non-dedicated project team Success = 100% dedicated core team Success = report only to PM Success = they want to be there Success = team includes business folks
3. We Started Last Month? Mistake: not having a REAL start Success = clarity of assignment Success = clarity of scope & risk Success = buy-in all around Success = excellent expectations set Success = exercising leadership
4. I Didn’t Study Law Mistake: fixing all project variables (time, money, quantity, quality) Success = one must remain unfixed Success = don’t get cornered Success = fall on sword if needed
5. He Said He Was Done Mistake: believing what I’m told Success = “show me” Success = “why” Success = “what are we missing?” Success = cross-checking Success = trust, but verify
6. Why Did They Do That? Mistake: not setting expectations about behavior Success = set behavior expectations Success = talk about expectations Success = call bad, reward good Success = walk that talk
7. Can’t We All Get Along? Mistake: professionals leave their emotions at home Success = be open about feelings Success = talk about feelings Success = dig deeper Success = don’t fake sincerity
Ingredients for Success Insist on what you need to succeed Be specific about it Use clear language about behavior Ask for commitment Use partnership model Escalate swiftly…together Model openness, honesty & integrity When you’re in trouble…ask for help!