Catalyst – January 2(6), 2011 WAY BACK WEDNESDAY!!! 1. Which is more specific: a genus or a species? 2. Fill in the blanks using the following words: GENES, ENERGY, EVOLUTION, CELLS. You can just write the correct word. A.____________ are the basic unit of life B.New species and inherited traits are the product of __________________ C.__________________ are the basic unit of heredity D.Living organisms consume and transform _____________________
Catalyst – January 2(6), 2011 WAY BACK WEDNESDAY!!! 1. Which is more specific: a genus or a species? 2. Fill in the blanks using the following words: GENES, ENERGY, EVOLUTION, CELLS. You can just write the correct word. A.__________________ are the basic unit of life B.New species and inherited traits are the product of __________________ C.__________________ are the basic unit of heredity D.Living organisms consume and transform _____________________ CELLS EVOLUTION GENES ENERGY
Today’s Agenda Catalyst Grade Lab Safety Tests Notes: Intro to Scientific Method Journal Review Library Skills (moved to tomorrow) Exit Question
Today’s Objectives SWBAT formulate questions from observations. SWBAT formulate hypotheses from questions. SWBAT use the scientific method to analyze a journal article.
Formulate 1 of the 12 Testing Power Words! Example: Formulate an opinion about this issue and express it in a short paragraph. Come up with Plan Create Form
How do scientists come up with ideas for an experiment? Do ideas just pop into their head randomly? Yes…Sometimes. Do people just hand them ideas to test? Yea, occasionally Do scientists have a method for coming up with experiment ideas? YES!!!!!
What Scientists Do! Scientists observe the world around them They ask questions They make hypotheses They test them!
Copy into your notes!
Good Experimental Questions Key Point #1: A good experimental question asks why or how something happens. Must be specific Based on things you see about the world
Good Hypotheses Key Point #2: A good hypothesis is an educated, testable guess that answers a question. Educated means there is a reason for it Use the word “because” Testable means there is a way to prove it right or wrong
How to Test a Hypothesis Key Point #3: Scientists perform experiments in order to test hypotheses. Multiple experiments may be necessary to test a hypothesis Experiments may lead to more questions which lead to more experiments (like in your reading last night!)
Journal Article – PCBs You will work with your group to analyze this journal article You will turn in your answers on one piece of paper We will discuss the journal Part by Part Don’t look ahead! Stay on the correct Part! Don’t write on the Journal Article
Exit Question 1. You observe that students in Ms. Stroh’s class get higher grades on their tests than the students in Mr. Bogard’s class. Write a question and testable hypothesis to explain this phenomenon. HW: Read sections