RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona1 High Performance Computing Infrastructures and Services in Europe Hermann Lederer, DEISA Patrick Aerts, PRACE
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona2 PRACE DEISA Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications Connecting existing HPC resources Members are computing centres : FP6 DEISA project : FP6 eDEISA project : FP7 DEISA2 project Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe April 2007: MoU signed by 14 countries now extended to 20 countries : FP7 PRACE Preparatory Phase : FP7 PRACE Implementation Phase Establising a new Tier-0 infrastructure Members are states
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona3 A European strategic approach to high- performance computing, concentrating the resources in a limited number of world top-tier centres in an overall infrastructure connected with associated national, regional and local centres, forming a scientific computing network to utilise the top-level machines. PRACE DEISA - ESFRI – European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Recommending a European High-Performance Computing Service
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona4 DEISA Partners and Associate Partners 15 partners, 10 countries, EC support
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona5 DEISA Supercomputers State-of-the art supercomputers > 1 PF aggregated peak performance Cray XT4/5, Linux IBM Power6, AIX / Linux IBM BlueGene/P, Linux IBM PowerPC, Linux (MareNostrum) SGI ALTIX 4700, Linux NEC SX8/9 vector systems, Super UX Fixed fractions of resources dedicated to DEISA usage Systems interconnected with dedicated 10Gb/s network
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona6 DEISA highly performant continental global file system SC ASC BSC CSC DSC ASC BSC C SE A1SE B1SE C1SE D1SE A2SE B2SE C2 Different Software Environments DEISA Common Production Environment Different SuperComputers - Compute elements and interconnect Access via Internet Dedicated 10 Gb/s network – via GEANT2 Single sign-on Secure login (ssh / gsi-ssh -> D-ssh) (Unicore, gridFTP)
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona7 DEISA Infrastructure Supercomputers with vendor specific environments, DEISA Common Production environment DCPE, dedicated high speed (10 Gb/s) network, global Europe-wide high speed file system, Europe-wide userids, personalized secured access (nationality check for US supercomputers enforced by US law, common AAA applications users Operation team Application support team Technology team Science Communities
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona8 RENATER FUNET SURFnet DFN GARR UKERNA RedIris 1 Gb/s GRE tunnel 10 Gb/s wavelength 10 Gb/s routed 10 Gb/s switched DEISA dedicated high speed network
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona9 AIX LL-MC AIX LL LINUX PBS Pro Super-UX NQS II GridFTP LINUX Maui/Slurm UNICOS/lc PBS Pro LINUX LL AIX LL-MC IBM P6 IBM P6 & BlueGene/P IBM P6 Cray XT5 SGI ALTIX NEC SX8/9 IBM PP6IBM PPC IBM P6 & BlueGene/P UNICOS/lc PBS Pro AIX LL-MC DEISA Global File System at Continental Scale (based on MC-GPFS)
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona10 DEISA EoI Early adopters (Joint Research Activities) Start of FP6 DEISA Single project support DEISA Extreme Computing Initiative Support of Virtual Communities and EU projects FP6 DEISAFP7 DEISA2 Evolution of User Categories in DEISA Preparatory phase Start of FP7 DEISA2
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona11 DEISA Extreme Computing Initiative Projects from DECI calls 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009: Involvement of over 180 research institutes and universities from 25 European countries: Austria Belgium Cyprus Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Slovac Rep. Spain Sweden Switzerland Netherlands Turkey Ukraine UK North America, South America, Asia, Australia with collaborators from four other continents
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona12 Virtual Community Support Requests Life Sciences Virtual laboratory for infectious diseases EU FP6 project 8 EU countries, 11 EU partners EU FP7 project 7 EU countries, 13 EU partners
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona13 Fusion Energy Research: Virtual Community Support Requests EU Fusion fOR Iter Applications (EUFORIA) European Fusion Development Agreement Legal entity 26 EU countries, 31 EU partners EU FP7 project 14 EU countries, 14 EU partners
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona14 Virtual Community Support Requests Planck space mission of European Space Agengy (Low Frequency Instrument part) Space Science / Cosmology International VIRGO Consortium and Cosmocomp project LFI-PLANCK Project of EU organisation 6 EU countries, 6 EU partners, plus USA Consortium and FP7 project 6 EU countries, over 6 EU partners, plus US, CA, AR, JP, CN
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona15 Virtual Community Support Requests European Network for Earth System Modelling operating the IS-ENES Project Climate Research Consortium and international project 15 EU countries, 44 EU partners, plus USA
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona16 Types of services requested 1)High Performance Compute resources 6 x 2)Access to state-of-the-art HPC architectures 4 x 3) Community data repository 4 x 4) Application enabling 5 x 5) Technology support 5 x Virtual Community Support Requests On-going dialogue with every Virtual Community to understand their requirements and how these requirements change over time
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona17 PRACE=Tier-0 PRACE is an effort to implement the ESFRI Tier-0 infrastructure, based on the HET-science case PRACE is both –A multi-national pan-European cooperation Based on an MoU –An FP7 supported project The cooperation growing from 14 (2007) to 20 (2009) PRACE FP-7 program running from 1/2008-1/2010 PRACE FP-7 implementation phase starting 2010
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona18 PRACE participation Partner overview
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona19 PRACE goals To realise a persistent pan-European Tier-0 HPC infrastructure for research and development for al who qualify To provide support for efficient use To provide education/course material To have the Tier-0 facilities well integrated in the European e-ecosystem To prepare for sustainability: –Cooperate with vendors and users –Learn about future development –Bridge to the US and Japan
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona20 PRACE services PRACE will offer –Multi-petaflop/s performance systems –Easy access (technically) –Fair access (financially) for third parties –Variety of architectures –“Open” peer review process You can influence PRACE developments
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona21 PRACE Operation PRACE present status WP overview/tasks –Define the legal & administrative framework (WP2) –Dissemination, outreach & training (WP3) –Cooperate with the European HPC ecosystem (WP2/3) –Distributed computing (WP4) –Prototype system assessment (WP5) –Software enabling for prototype systems (WP6) –Procurement strategy: Petaflop/s systems for 2009/2010 (WP7) –Future Petaflop/s technologies, vendor cooperation (WP8) PRACE Implementation Phase PRACE Preparatory Phase 2008
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona22 PRACE services are here today Prototypes available –Coverage of all mainstream architectures: MPP SMP-ThinNode SMP-FatNode Hybrid (combination of architecture/processor technology) –For both internal and external usage Scientific communities with their own codes through light review mechanism Experiences possibly included in PRACE deliverables
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona23 Overview of presently installed Tier-0-avant-la-lettre IBM BlueGene/P (FZJ) IBM Power6 (SARA) Cray XT5 (CSC) IBM Cell/Power (BSC) NEC SX9, vector part (HLRS) Intel Nehalem/Xeon (CEA/FZJ)
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona24 Services today (2) Selected and available systems –MPP: IBM BlueGene/P, FZ Juelich, Germany –MPP: Cray XT5, CSC, Finland (in combination with CSCS, Switzerland) –SMP-ThinNode: Bull cluster with Intel Nehalem, CEA/FZJ, France/Germany –SMP-FatNode: IBM Power6 cluster, SARA/NCF, The Netherlands –Hybrid: IBM Power6 + Cell, BSC, Spain –Hybrid: NEC vector + Intel x86 cluster, HLRS, Germany
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona25 Services today (3) System details: External access to the prototypes : – –Fill out prototype access form (available on web site) –Applicable to European groups from academia and industry –Assessment of proposals done by the PRACE Prototype Access Committee –Applications can be sent all year round Application deadlines for 2010 not available yet
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona26 Reach-out, education, publicity PRACE Winter Schoolat the OTE academy, Athens ICT 2008, PRACE-Booth PRACE Summer School Stockholm Industry seminars: 1st Seminar Sept. 3, 2008 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2 nd Seminar Sept. 7-8, 2009 Toulouse, France Summer & winter schools: Stockholm, Athens PRACE booths: ISC, ICT, SC,
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona27 PRACE and stakeholders Users Projects Industrial Research Vendor Industries Other infrastructures
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona28 PRACE and Users PRACE will take care well of all users –Open and transparent peer review system –(Fully digital process and progress report) Three types of resource allocations –Test / evaluation access – fast turn around –Project access – for a specific project, grant period ~ 1 year –Programme access – resources managed by a community No additional cost for European scientific communities* * Definition yet to established “the best systems for the best science”
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona29 Prace and Projects PRACE is establishing special contacts with special communities, in particular with –EC/FPx sponsored projects ESFRI-research facilities/communities –Other EC adopted technical/scientific themes –(Adopted and reviewed national themes) –Large scientific multi-annual projects Allocation committee will be instructed to establish an allocation procedure that takes these special efforts/activitities into account while prioritising User Committee will be formed as permanent and critical sparring partner for PRACE and the PRACE infrastructure
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona30 PRACE and Industrial research PRACE actively approaches the (potential) user industries First PRACE Industry Seminar Amsterdam September 2008 Second PRACE Industry Seminar Toulouse September 2009 PRACE will continue to engage with the user industries Conditions for access yet to be negotiated, but no principal issues User Industry Forum will be established for future regular contacts
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona31 PRACE and Vendor Industries PRACE establishes proper contacts with vendor industries Contact meetings Openness regarding plans and planning Seek proper reciprocity Stimulate indirectly the strengthening of European ICT business and industry
RI EGEE´09, Sep 22, 2009Barcelona32 PRACE is not a stand-alone activity for a select group PRACE is for who need to look into the future 6-12 years ahead PRACE to be fully embedded in the European e-ecosystem of networks and resources PRACE to be well connected to all ESFRI-facilities and/or their communities PRACE seeks to connect to similar level HPC and other infrastructures in the US and the Pacific (and other places where opportune) PRACE is yours PRACE and other infrastructures