Group-9 (TIS-86) Rounak Agarwal Navnath Bagal Deepika Sharma Shalaka Jaitapkar Sowmya Mishra Malar Kalaivani
Diversity Defined Diversity is defined as a difference or variety. Without differences or variety among people in the world, the ability to grow and learn would be limited.
What Is Diversity In The Workplace? Diversity in the workplace refers to differences we recognize in ourselves and others, such as: Gender, Culture, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Family Structures, Physical and Mental Disabilities or Challenges.
Importance of Diversity It is therefore necessary to understand and embrace diversity. It is also necessary to understand that each person’s contributions to the organization are important as a means for growth.
Types of Diversity
Benefits of Workplace Diversity Increased adaptability Broader service range Variety of viewpoints More effective execution
Challenges of Diversity in the Workplace Communication Resistance to change Implementation of diversity in the workplace policies Successful Management of Diversity in the Workplace
Our Diversified Family "If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following. There would be:
Family Members 57 Asians 21 Europeans; 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south 8 Africans 52 would be female 48 would be male 70 would be non-white 30 would be white 70 would be non-Christian 30 would be Christian 89 would be heterosexual 11 would be homosexual
How to maintain it? Recognizing, appreciating, valuing, and utilizing the unique talents and contributions of all individuals Ward off change resistance with inclusion Foster an attitude of openness in your organization Promote diversity in leadership positions Utilize diversity training Launch a customizable employee satisfaction survey that provides comprehensive reporting
The Challenges of Workplace Diversity - The challenge lies in the continuous improvement of the integration and social acceptance of people from different backgrounds. - Our differing human characteristics influence the way we think, act, interact, and make choices. - Often, these differences interfere with our ability to support, trust, and respect each other, and thus to effectively function together.
Assumptions of Superiority Assumptions of Correctness I’m better than you. Assumptions of Correctness This is the way it should be Assumptions of Universality We’re all the same. Everybody is just like me.
Hierarchy of Cultures World Culture Major Culture (e.g., U.S. culture) Humanity Major Culture (e.g., U.S. culture) A regional or national group with a common culture Subculture (e.g., various immigrant groups) A cultural group within a major culture Corporate Culture An organization within a major culture or subculture
Corporate Culture Employee Expectations Rewards Old Economy: Security New Economy: Personal Growth Enron: Personal wealth Rewards Old Economy: Salary New Economy: Stock options Enron: Lightening quick promotions
Corporate Culture Leadership Organization Old Economy: Top down New Economy: Inspirational Enron: Know-it-all arrogant Organization Old Economy: Hierarchy New Economy: Network Enron: Individual fiefdoms
Corporate Culture Corporate Goal Board of Directors Old Economy: Steady growth New Economy: Fast growth Enron: Appearing to grow fast Board of Directors Old Economy: Rubber stamp New Economy: Independent Enron: Rubber stamp
Corporate Culture Approach to Legality/Morality Board of Directors Old Economy: Steady growth New Economy: Fast growth Enron: Appearing to grow fast Board of Directors Old Economy: Aim to meet the rules New Economy: Push the limits Enron: Circumvent the rules
Culture Comparisons What words describe your culture versus another Most prominent personality characteristic. Most positive characteristic and/or contribution. Worse characteristic and/or contribution. Characteristics as co-workers. What would you like to better know about them.
Thoughts on Culture “An organization has integrity-is healthy-when it is whole, consistent,and complete, that is, when its management, operations, strategy and culture fit together and make sense.”
Thank You!!!