European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Taxation trends in the European Union Edition 2009 Marco Fantini Head of Sector “Quantitative Analysis of Taxation” Taxation and Customs Union DG European Commission
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union EU is a high tax area…
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Development of overall tax ratio % of GDP, weighted
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Development of overall tax ratio % of GDP, weighted
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Distribution of Member States by tax ratio
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Development of tax ratio since 2000
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Share of revenue accruing to sub-central level
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Revenue by function
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Implicit tax rates (ITRs)
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Top statutory personal income tax rates
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Development of top statutory personal income tax rates
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Adjusted top statutory corporate income tax rates
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Corporate income tax rates
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Environmental taxes % of GDP; weighted average
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Transport fuel tax component
European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Additional information The full report and an executive summary are available at the following address: