YOU MUST visit one of the newspaper websites above and find a case study example/statistic/development in online media/new technology that is an example of convergence and record your findings in your exercise books. YOU SHOULD then link this to a theory/key term of your choice. STARTER – 3 minutes
Key Terms/Theory TEST – L17 Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media Friday 26 th April 2013
Why? Aims & Objectives AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and with accurate and coherent written expression. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the key terms/theory we have covered so far by completing a TEST. YOU WILL peer assess the work after wards and give the students a mark, grade and feedback (WWW/EBI) YOU WILL then use this advice to set yourself targets for the exam on June 4 th. Review the learning.
TEST You have 50 minutes to complete the Test – If you finish early proof read, then hand your test in to Mr Crafts. YOU MUST answer EVERY question to the best of your ability.
FEEDBACK – Mark the other students work in a different colour pen and make amendments where necessary.
1) “As people individually and collectively program the web, they’re increasingly in command” (Tapscott & Williams – 2006) 2) Examples such as blogging, social media, online news content such as The Huffington Post which encourages CJ. 3) Noah Chomsky 4) a) Noah Chomsky – “social media erodes normal social behaviour” b) Examples such as Facebook etc. – where though?
5) Micro Blogging 6) Anthropomorphising 7) a) “You can watch your favourite BBC programmes wherever and whenever you want to” b) Convergence c) Henry Jenkins (2006) – VOD – “THE KINDS OF ENTERTAINMENT EXPERIENCES THEY WANT”
8) a) Prosumer b) UCC/UGC – What do they stand for? 9) Hyper reality - “The distinction between the real world and the media world is disappearing”. 10) a) Robertson (1994) - “the compression of the World” b) Case Study example (1 mark) statistic (1 mark) 11) Marxist – mediated – McLuhan 1960
12) a) “dominates the planet” (Waters – 1995) – “aggressive global trailblazer” (Blau – 2005) b) MySpace - $580m – 2005 c) Gatekeeping 13) Disney – Examples? 2 marks for Youtube – 2 marks for Twitter 14) a) Dan Gillmor (2004) – citizen jpournalism – former audience b) Example(s) of an online product that encourages this? c) Boston bombings – other examples?
15) a) Henry Jenkins (2006) – “Everyone is a producer of media” b) Case Study example(s) 16) Bauman (1998) – “winners and losers”; “losers are left behind” – Example(s)? 17) a) $8.5 bn Takeover – May 2011 b) Benefits? – Clue: Phone 18) a) Analogue b) “The ‘old’ ways in which media has been distributed in the past – e.g through television, film, radio etc.”
19) a) Dave Winer (1994) - "Once the users take control, they never give it back.” b) Examples that also conform to Web 2.0 (DiNucci – 1999) 20) a) Miniturisation b) Examples – 1 mark for each
Add up the marks and give them a score out of 72 Give them a grade based on the breakdown of marks. Give them feedback in terms of WWW/EBI
Homework: 1)REVISE! 2)Research a contemporary development in Global Media and/or Media in the Online Age and state HOW it conforms to: Tapscott & Williams (2006) Gillmor (2004) Any other ideologies/key terms that apply make the relevant links! 1 page is enough Due: Wednesday 15 th May