Integrated Modeling for Burning Plasmas Workshop (W60) on “Burning Plasma Physics and Simulation 4-5 July 2005, University Campus, Tarragona, Spain Under.


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated Modeling for Burning Plasmas Workshop (W60) on “Burning Plasma Physics and Simulation 4-5 July 2005, University Campus, Tarragona, Spain Under the Auspices of the IEA Large Tokamak Implementing Agreement Introduction to the Session S. C. Jardin Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Integrated Modeling for Burning Plasmas Review progress towards a comprehensive theory/model for burning plasmas in ITER/DEMO - including -  -particle distributions in velocity and space and  -heating Burning plasmas in optimized shear/hybrid scenarios, dynamic evolution and positional stability of ITBs, current profile alignment including bootstrap current evolution Transient and bifurcative phenomena in burning plasmas (dynamics of L-H transitions and edge-core coupling, ITB formation and evolution, thermal stability in optimized shear/hybrid scenarios, including the approach to burning conditions with additional heating) Impurity and helium ash accumulation (including impurity penetration through SOL, ETB and ITB) More speculative issues, such as  -channelling - Session topics -

Progress towards a comprehensive theory/model for burning plasmas in ITER/DEMO Whole Device Modeling Codes Extended MHD and Energetic Particles Turbulence Simulations Edge-Plasma Integrated Modeling RF, NBI,  -particle, Impurities, and Fueling Sources

1½D Whole Device Modeling Code Transport Module MHD Module  -particle Module Edge Module RF Modules Equilibrium Module What do we mean by a comprehensive theory/model for burning plasmas in ITER/DEMO? 5D Gyrokinetics Code 3D Extended MHD Code Full Wave RF Code … 5D Gyrokinetics Code 3D Extended MHD Code Full Wave RF Code 3D Extended MHD Code + +

Whole Device Modeling Codes Integrated Modeling: Detailed TSC/TRANSP transport and H&CD modeling and comparison with existing experimental details Kessel Integrated TSC/TRANSP used to predict rotation, q-control, TAE activity, transport levels, NI-NBI sensitivity to aiming angle, ash accumulation, sensitivity to pedestal temperature: postprocess TAE prediction, Turbulence modeling with GYRO Budny New initiatives now planned or underway Japan: BPSI: ( TASK, TOPICS ) EU: JET initiative (ASTRA, CRONOS, JETTO), Integrated Modeling Task Force US: NTCC (modules library), PTRANSP (TSC/TRANSP + …), FSP (not yet begun) – (also BALDUR, ONETWO, CORSICA) Need for more sophisticated modules in most areas Turbulent Transport Extended MHD and energetic particle effects Scrape-off-layer, ELMs, and pedestal

Extended MHD and energetic Particles Integrated Modeling: MHD-based ELM model (MARG2D) coupled into TOPICs system Ozeki Need to further develop 3D Nonlinear Extended MHD codes and validate on existing experiments. Sawtooth: Full 3D nonlinear sawtooth simulation now possible for small tokamaks, not yet for ITER. Good semi-analytical models available (Porcelli model) ELMs: Some progress (BOUT-Snyder, JOREK-Huysmans, NIMROD-Brennan, M3D-Strauss) Not yet a full 3D ELM simulation for even small tokamaks. Good semi-analytical models being developed. NTMs: Not yet a full 3D NTM simulation. Modified Rutherford equation (semi-analytical) models widely used. Resistive Wall Modes: Not yet a full 3D nonlinear model. Locked Mode Threshold: Not yet a fundamental model TAE: 3D Hybrid particle/fluid simulation model possible for short times and weakly nonlinear behavior…full nonlinear integration with thermal particles not yet possible. Disruption Modeling: Axisymmetric modeling in fairly good shape, 3D modeling just beginning

Turbulence Simulations Integrated Modeling: Gyrokinetic Turbulence  MHD, Wave Heating, Plasma Edge Lee Focus is presently on core turbulence: ITG, ETG, ITG/ETG coupling, finite beta effects, transition from Bohm to gyro-Bohm, turbulence spreading need to develop long-time (transport timescale) predictive simulation capability turbulence and neoclassical simulation integration mechanisms for transport barrier formation pedestal region and core-edge simulation integration how to couple with whole-device-modeling codes impurities and helium ash transport

Edge-Plasma Integrated Modeling Integrated Modeling: Compatibility between impurity injection for a high edge radiation fraction and core fusion physics (confinement and fusion power) Takenaga Integration of core, edge, PSI codes: neutrals, atomic physics, wall interaction, turbulence, transport, drifts, neoclassical effects Coster Static and dynamic (with ELMs) semi-emperical pedestal models coupled to core transport: DIII-D, JET, and simulations for burning plasmas Kritz Full 3D predictive edge model is lacking Numerous edge codes exist to provide qualitative understanding and quantitative results for specific phenomena edge transport: CSD, SONIC, UEDGE, … kinetic edge turbulence: PARASOL, … collisional edge turbulence: BOUT, … Many issues remain: L-H transition and pedestal physics nonlinear ELM crash, transport, and pedestal recovery density limit material erosion including redeposition and dust formation impurity transport

RF, NBI,  -particle, and fueling Sources Integrated Modeling: ICRH wave field  distribution function , MHD Hellsten Interaction of  -particles with LH by coupling SPOT and DELPHINE in CRONOS framework Schneider RF   -particles  ion distribution function Fisch Comprehensive suites of RF and neutral beam codes exist Integrated computations between full-wave ICRF and FP solvers are underway, but not yet in routine use Integrated modeling that combines advanced ICRF antenna modules with full-wave solvers are underway RF and NB source modules have been combined with WDM codes, but generally not the most advanced RF packages. RF/FP Codes need to be coupled to MHD codes in order to simulate instability control Modeling of Mode Conversion physics in ITER scale plasma not yet possible

Schedule 12:10N. FischPPPL A Hot-ion-Mode RF-Driven Tokamak via Alpha Channeling 12:30H. TakenagaJAERI Impurity injection Scenario in a Burning Plasma 12:50T. HellstenStockh. Integrated modeling of ICRH and AE Dynamics 13:10W. LeePPPL Integrated Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Fusion Plasmas 8:30C. KesselPPPL Integrated modeling of ITER and FIRE with TSC and TRANSP 8:50D. CosterIPP Burning Plasma Simulations: Edge Issues 9:10A.KritzLehigh Prediction of H-mode pedestal and ELMs and the Performance of Burning Plasma Experiments 9:30T. OzekiJAERI Integrated simulation code for burning plasma analysis 9:50M. Schneider CEA Integration of the SPOT code into CRONOS for Burning Plasma Studies 10:10R. BudnyPPPL Time-Dependent integrated modeling of ITER plasmas 10:30all Discussion and Summary