Count to five before beginning Good Morning Kemps Landing and Old Donation School Today is Friday January 8, 2016 The time is 8:30 Please stand for the pledge Count to five before beginning the pledge
I pledge allegiance to the Flag Of the United States of America And to the Republic for which it stands One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
Pause for 10 seconds The thought for the day Remember to be Fair Win or lose, do it fairly! Fairness Shines Bright!
Here’s the news you need to know:
Get ready for the middle school astronomy club which takes off at our school on January 20. visit our school student activities Weebly page and see Mrs. McDowell to get a student interest form.
Latin students who want to take the National Latin Exam the week of March 7th-11th should notify Ms. Lundgren as soon as possible and MUST bring in $5 to Ms. Lundgren NO LATER than Monday, January 11th. That is this coming Monday.
So are a lot of “characters” walking around today! Here are some now: Note: If students come to the broadcast room dressed as a book character and want to share their character have them be a special feature and say who they are!
Get ready for Battle! Battle of the books that is. Our first meeting will be Tuesday after school from 3:30-4:30. You must have transportation home.
There will be a mock competition on Saturday, January 30th from 1:00-3:00 here at Kemps Landing. It is open to any Mathcounts student. Let Mrs. Saul know if you would like to attend. PRACTICES FOR THE 2016 MATHCOUNTS TEAM BEGIN MONDAY!
And Remember
*No Excuses
*Make it Happen
*Today is your day to Shine!