56 th Virtual Fighter Wing Operation Valiant Talon 10 November 2007
56 th Virtual Fighter Wing Operation Valiant Talon 10 November 2007
Objectives: - Destroy T-90 Tank Factory in Emery - Destroy T-90’s in transit for advanced modification at the Salina Advanced Labs/Factory. Homeplate: Luke AFB Rwy 23 L/R 05 L/R Lat N Lng E BE: 151 for 417 miles Package 63 rd VFS: Falcon1 SEAD ESCORT, TO – 0451:30 VHF 2 Loadout: 3 x AIM-120B, 1 x AIM-9X, 2 x AGM-88, 2 x 370 Gal WT, 1 x ALQ th VFS: Fury1 ESCORT, TO – 0453:34 VHF 3 Loadout: 6 x AIM-120B, 2 x 370 Gal WT, 1 x ALQ th VFS: Cowboy1 STRIKE, TO – 0454:30 VHF 4 Loadout: 3 x AIM-120B, 1 x AIM-9X, 2 x GBU-31 GP/HE, 2 x 370 Gal WT, 1 x ALQ th VFS: Lobo1 Pre-Plan CAS, TO – 0456:30 VHF 5 Loadout: 4 x AIM-120B, 2 x GBU-12 GP/HE, 1 x ALQ-184
Flight Plan Wayne Wonderland: Lat N Lng E BE: 108 x 244 Escalante Muni: Lat N Lng E BE: 116 x 261 Marble Canyon: Lat N Lng E BE: 126 x 288 Grand Canyon Nat: Lat N Lng E BE: 137 x 304 Williams Muni: Lat N Lng E BE: 141 x 333 Sunrise Ranch: Lat N Lng E BE: 140 x 344 Cottonwood: Lat N Lng E BE: 144 x 365 Camel 1 Wayne Wonderland Escalante Marble Canyon Grand Canyon WilliamsSunrise Ranch Cottonwood Canteen 1 Refuel: Camel1 & Canteen1
Air Defense SA-5 SA-10 SA-2
Salina Emery Target Site