RpcPrepRawData 1 The conversion from the online RPC data structure (trigger-driven) to offline RpcPrepRawData is not trivial: generally, one online hit.


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Presentation transcript:

RpcPrepRawData 1 The conversion from the online RPC data structure (trigger-driven) to offline RpcPrepRawData is not trivial: generally, one online hit cannot be translated into an offline strip identifier with a 1 to 1 relation (for hardware and readout-logic reasons) Consequences in the byte-stream conversion: Given a CM Hit for a phi measurement, there’s a list of strips (  of offline identifiers) which might have produced that hit AMBIGUITY More than one CM contains a raw hit corresponding to a given fired strip  duplicated hits (due to overlapping cabling/readout) some CM hits do not correspond to fired strips, but rather keep trigger related information (ijk=6,7 and ijk=0,1 in high p T CMs) While the standard byte-stream to PRD converter keep all redundancies and ambiguities unsolved, the algorithm (typically used in the MC chain) to produce PRD from RDO apply some logic to extract the minimal useful offline information from the RPC readout: –reduces, if requested, the hit duplication –solves, if requested, phi ambiguities selecting only the phi strips having a matching (in time) eta strip in the same rpc module –flag the trigger information Converter vs Algorithm output are a useful debugging tool

In MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonRdoToPrepData RpcRdoToPrepData behaviour can be configured –bool m_processingData; –bool m_solvePhiAmbiguities; –float m_etaphi_coincidenceTime; –bool m_reduceCablingOverlap; –float m_overlap_timeTolerance; fill new properties of RpcPrepRawData (introduced for 12.X.0) –const int triggerInfo 0 for all standard hits (corresponding to fired strips) Ijk for trigger hits in low pt CMs Ijk+100 for trigger hits and low pt pattern in high pt CMs –const int ambiguityFlag 0 if the algorithm/converter producing RpcPrepData does not solve phi ambiguities N_possible_offline_strips if there's no eta strip matching any possible phi strip corresponding to this RDO hit N, if N out of the N_possible_offline_strips have a matching eta strip RpcPrepRawData 2 used for analysis of sector 13 data in 12.0.x with ad hoc patches available with all switches in a recent fix to be collected for job-option fragment for data trivial, can be provided (for ?)

At the moment to run it on data: RpcPrepRawData 3 theApp.Dlls += ["MuonRdoToPrepData"] include ("MuonRdoToPrepData/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData_jobOptions.py") RpcRdoToRpcPrepData = Algorithm("RpcRdoToRpcPrepData") RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.processingData = True RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.reduceCablingOverlap = True RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.overlap_timeTolerance = 100. #//default for MC is 10. RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.solvePhiAmbiguities = True RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.etaphi_coincidenceTime = 100. #//default for MC is 20. RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.OutputLevel = INFO already included in MuonCommissioning/MuonCommRecExample/share/ MuonCosmicsTest_jobOptions.py if the flag doRPCPRDphi = True