Questions in a Story Grade 2
Who? The question “who” is only used when referring to people. Who are the main characters in the story? Who is the villain? Who is your favorite character in the story?
What? The question “what” is used to refer to specific information. What are the characters wearing? What is happening in the story?
Where? The question “where” is used when referring to a place or location. Where does the story take place? Where do the characters live?
When? The question “when” is used to refer to a time or an occasion. When does the story take place? When will the character discover the news?
Why? The question “why” is used to obtain an explanation or a reason. Why did he go into the forest? Why is the character being chased?
How? The question “how” is used to describe the manner that something is done. How did she jump so high? How does the story end?
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