Law, Faith & Righteousness Law, Faith & Righteousness.


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Presentation transcript:

Law, Faith & Righteousness Law, Faith & Righteousness

Righteousness “Right-ness”, “right before God” “right with God” –Some take this more in a “legal” way –Bible means this more in a relationship way –Not separated from your right actions: faithfulness to the covenant relationship Key Question: How do we have a right relationship with God? “Right-ness”, “right before God” “right with God” –Some take this more in a “legal” way –Bible means this more in a relationship way –Not separated from your right actions: faithfulness to the covenant relationship Key Question: How do we have a right relationship with God?

By Faith! Galatians 3:1-5 –Faith – how we have a right relationship with God –Faith = trust, faithfulness (active) Galatians 3:6-14 – The Example of Abraham –3:10-12 – even in the OT the law was not to make us right with God – it was to show us when we were wrong. –3:14 – the Holy Spirit – the great gift of God Himself, living in us Galatians 3:1-5 –Faith – how we have a right relationship with God –Faith = trust, faithfulness (active) Galatians 3:6-14 – The Example of Abraham –3:10-12 – even in the OT the law was not to make us right with God – it was to show us when we were wrong. –3:14 – the Holy Spirit – the great gift of God Himself, living in us

The Wall of the Law

So What? We need to know what God expects, what we should be aiming for. Humans have a need to be right with God. God wants YOU, all of you. We need to know what God expects, what we should be aiming for. Humans have a need to be right with God. God wants YOU, all of you.

The Purpose of the Law v.19 – law given to show sins v.21 – no conflict – all part of God’s plan –Judaizers – misunderstood the purpose of the Law v.22 – the universal problem – not the law, but our hearts (our will) vv – another purpose – to guard us (the walls) until Christ vv – children, changed to be like Him, united, free, heirs v.19 – law given to show sins v.21 – no conflict – all part of God’s plan –Judaizers – misunderstood the purpose of the Law v.22 – the universal problem – not the law, but our hearts (our will) vv – another purpose – to guard us (the walls) until Christ vv – children, changed to be like Him, united, free, heirs

Live by Faith Why do we need trust? –There are things He wants to change in you. –There are places He wants to take you. –There are things He wants to do through you. How do we grow that trust? –Know God more. –Trust leads to more trust. –Know He is working to mold you in love. Why do we need trust? –There are things He wants to change in you. –There are places He wants to take you. –There are things He wants to do through you. How do we grow that trust? –Know God more. –Trust leads to more trust. –Know He is working to mold you in love.