Faith – Heb. 11 v. 1 - Faith is believing what is true v. 1 - Faith brings assurance v. 2 - Faith brings God's approval v. 3 - Faith is a way of looking at the world; at life
Faith = acceptance and reward from God v. 4 Our acceptance before God is also based on a better sacrifice. Faith extends the impact of our lives, even beyond our lives!
Faith = acceptance and reward from God v. 5 Faith = the kind of life that pleases God Key = what is true about God? What is God like?
Faith = acceptance and reward from God v. 6 Faith = confidence that He exists and He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Faith pleases God Pleasing God leads to reward You may not care. He does.
Faith = acceptance and reward from God Satan seeks to undermine those two areas in the lives of believers: 1) God doesn't exist 2) He's not good; He doesn't "notice"
Faith = acceptance and reward from God v. 7 Noah was rewarded. Faith caused Him to inherit a new world And, his faith condemned those who didn't believe.
Faith = acceptance and reward from God Noah became an "heir of righteousness" and his household shared in "salvation“. Our faith can be productive in the lives of our family, as Noah did and will share the future together.
Faith = acceptance and reward from God vv Like Abraham, we can look forward to the world to come This isn't our home.
Faith = acceptance and reward from God Abraham was able to live by faith and live like this was not His home because he looked for the realization of God's promises in the New Heavens and New Earth. It will outlast (the original) creation!
Faith = acceptance and reward from God Review Abel/Enoch = faith brings basic acceptance before God Noah/Abraham = the results of faith in inheritance
Faith = acceptance and reward from God VV Sarah = Physical limitation Counted God reliable! Sarah's faith helped Abraham receive the promise.
Faith = acceptance and reward from God Sarah began her motherhood experience poorly, manipulating with her handmaid, then laughing at God's promise But, she righted herself Notice how gracious is God's evaluation God will be gracious to you, too Faith makes a difference
Faith = acceptance and reward from God Notice how gracious is God's evaluation! God will be gracious to you, too! Faith makes a difference!
Faith = acceptance and reward from God Sarah received the promise, though not in her lifetime We need to have that kind of faith What a wife! What a mother! What a great example!
Faith = acceptance and reward from God vv = General Summary 1. Spiritual "pilgrims" whose eyes are on the prize 2. They "saw" them, "embraced" them and had the right view of this "home" and our real home
Faith = acceptance and reward from God Summary continued 3. Don't compromise; don't "go back" We can. 4. Faith makes God proud of us 5. Shame is possible (1 John 2:28; Mk. 8:38)
Faith = acceptance and reward from God "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." Jim Elliot
Faith = A way of looking at life Hebrews 11: Faith brings acceptance and reward from God Hebrews 11: Faith gives a Christian the proper view of the world; it gives the right way to view the many experiences of our lives.
Faith = A way of looking at life Hebrews 11: Abraham "in Isaac your seed shall be called" (Gen. 21:12) Now kill him? No sweat, God can resurrect him!
Faith = A way of looking at life Sometimes God's promises and our experience don't match up They will in our resurrection! Faith does not rest in our understanding, but in our God (Prov. 3:5-6)
Faith = A way of looking at life Isaac, Jacob, Joseph (Vv ) Isaac trusted the promises of God Jacob worshipped until the end of his life Joseph acted on his confidence in the deliverance of God's people
Faith = A way of looking at life Isaac, Jacob, Joseph (Vv ) We should all have confidence in the future of the people of God Notice how family was involved and impacted in each illustration
Faith = A way of looking at life Moses; Faith confronts hostility and opposition Vv V. 23 The beautiful gift God had given them led to confidence that God had something better for the child
Faith = A way of looking at life Pleasure of sin vs. Disgrace for Christ Vv Why? Reward in the future!
Faith = A way of looking at life Fear of People vs. Fear of God Vv How? Lived in the reality of the Lord's existence, and...
Faith = A way of looking at life Fear of People vs. Fear of God Vv Moses separated himself, continued in worship. We should, too, and avoid divine judgment.
Faith = A way of looking at life Victory over their enemies! Vv Faith can defeat enemies! The victory can be for Gentiles, too, like Rahab…and us!
Faith = A way of looking at life Faith's Triumphs Vv a Look who it is! Look what they did! Look who we are!
Faith = A way of looking at life v. 35 Faith can so work in our hearts that it does not allow death to defeat it!
Faith = A way of looking at life Faith's apparent defeats Vv. 35b-38 "not accepting deliverance" = "better resurrection"
Faith = A way of looking at life Faith's apparent defeats Vv. 35b-38 About a dozen kinds of persecutions noted. In God's eyes, the world is not worthy of those it kicks out! (v. 38)
Faith = A way of looking at life They did not realize their future hope! The realization of their hope waits for us, for all believers.
Faith = A way of looking at life The delay of their hope allows us to also share in becoming joint heirs with our King and High Priest who leads us to glory through sufferings!
Faith = A way of looking at life Life brings many things our way. We will go through difficulty no matter what. Faith allows us to see reality. Faith gives us a way to contextualize life.
Faith = A way of looking at life Faith is a way of looking at life. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. Heb. 11:1 (NIV) And so can you be!