MARITA’S BARGAIN Jenesys Bourdier, Nicole Kim, Julianne Monroe DiRenno Period 1
KIPP Academy Knowledge Is Power Program Kids are chosen by a lottery World-renowned for mathematics “SSLANT” Average school day- 7:25 AM to 5:00 PM plus Saturdays 80% of graduates will go to college
Marita from Bronx Average school day Wake up at 5:45 AM Gets home at 5:30 PM Does homework for 3-4 hours Sleeps at 11:15 PM “KIPP promises that it will take kids like her who are stuck in poverty and give them a chance to get her out.” “All my friends now are from KIPP.”
The Effect of Cultural Legacies On Education Summer vacation in America Vs. Asia- US- 180 days South Korea- 220 days Japan- 243 days Low-income students will fall behind compared to affluent students Wealthy students can: Summer programs/camps Summer work Read more
“Schools work. The only problem with school, for the kids who aren’t achieving, is that there isn’t enough of it.”
Discussion Questions What is special about the KIPP program? What is the significance of summer vacation? Why do Asian schools have a longer school year? Do you think where you live and your background can affects your chances of being successful?
Connections Text to text: refers to “Rice Paddies and Math Tests” and “The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes” Text to media: Oprah Winfrey Text to self: Opportunities to work hard to be successful like sports, clubs, etc. Text to world: Can’t be successful unless you work hard and take different opportunities no matter what your background is You don’t have to be wealthy, extremely smart, or go to a prestigious school to be successful