Introduction to Different Types of Messages To apply to your Memobook
Direct Request If the request will be received positively. Beginning: Ask the important information first Body: Explain the request logically Closing: Request specific action with an end date
Direct Response If you are responding positively (agreeing to) to the request Beginning: Start directly by responding in affirmative Body: Provide additional info Closing: concluding remark or summary
Instruction Subject line: be straightforward Beginning: Expand on the subject line Body: Divide instructions into steps Closing: Request specific action, deadline, summarize the message
Direct Claim: customers writing to identify and correct a company’s wrong Beginning: Describe clearly the desired action Body: Explain reasons, provide details Closing: End pleasantly with a goodwill statement, and set up a due date
Adjustment: when a company respond to a claim favorably (give customer what they want) Beginning: Grant request immediately Body: Provide details Closing: end positively with forward-looking thought. Avoid reference to unpleasantness
Thanks Use the direct strategy