1 Using the GEOSS Common Infrastructure in the Air Quality & Health SBA: Wildfire & Smoke Assessment Prepared by the GEOSS AIP-2 Air Quality & Health Working Group May 2009
2 Air Quality & Health Scenario Scenario Overview The AQ Scenario envisions integration of multiple types of AQ data… satellite observations of AQ and meteorology in-situ, ambient observations models of meteorology and chemical transport other: emissions data, fire observations, LIDAR, etc. …being registered, discovered and accessed via GEOSS and used to inform diverse decision-makers: Air Quality Managers, Policy-Makers, and the Public. Scenario is community-developed and community-evolved Challenges Persistent, standardized AQ data network Interface to GCI: Community Catalog, Portal Implementing scenarios which can integrate the offerings using GCI- compatible Service Oriented Architecture
3 Wildfire & Smoke Scenario Test and evaluate GEOSS architecture with a focused scenario Find and use fire location, air pollution observation, and smoke model forecast data to assess air quality impacts of a wildfire event Focus on the 2007 Southern California Fires
4 1: Publish and register data services Key message: Simplifying the process for air quality data providers to use the GEOSS Common Infrastructure
5 Service Oriented Architecture Service Broker Service Provider Publish Service Metadata Access Service User Components:Provider – User – Broker Actions: Register– Discover - access Find Services Get Access Key Service providers register service metadata to a service broker. Service users find the needed service and get access key from a service broker With the access key, users bind to the service provider The result is a dynamic binding mechanism between the service users and providers
6 Deploy OGC W*S Service Service User WCS/WMS Servers GetCapabilities Service Broker Dataset WMS Validator
7 Create and Register Metadata Service User Service Broker ISO Editor ISO GetCapabilities ISO Validator Service Provider
8 AQ Dataset Registration Metadata ISO AQ Metadata has two parts: –Data Access –Discovery The Discovery metadata includes –Elements that are required for all Earth Observations –Additional elements to ISO –AQ Specific elements OGC CSW Core Queryable Air Quality Specific ISO CSW Profile OGC CSW Returnable Metadata Description Data Access
10 Service Broker Service Provider Service User Clearinghouse(s) Harvest Community Catalog ISO 19115
11 Service Discovery Service Provider Service Broker Service User AQ Portal/ Apps OGC CSW Core Queryable ISO OGC CSW Core Queryable Air Quality Specific ISO CSW Profile OGC CSW Returnable Metadata Description Data Access
12 AQ Dataset Registration Metadata ISO AQ Metadata has two parts: –Data Access –Discovery The Discovery metadata includes –Elements that are required for all Earth Observations –Additional elements to ISO –AQ Specific elements OGC CSW Core Queryable Air Quality Specific ISO CSW Profile OGC CSW Returnable Metadata Description Data Access
14 Access Service Access Service Provider Service Broker Service User Data Access Data Service
16 Air Quality Add hurdles ??
17 Emission Surf. Obs. Satellite Model Population Informing the Public Enforcing Standards Hemispheric Transport Real-time Service Regulatory Analysis Policy Assessment Air Quality & Health Applications Observing Systems Science
18 Register-Discover-Access Service User Discover GEO Portals Client Apps Community Portals Registry Clearinghouse(s) Community Catalog Product Access Servers W*S Dataset Metadata
19 2: Search and find data services and tools Key message: Standard metadata and search interfaces allow multiple tools to find air quality data from a common metadata pool
20 Find data and tools Search for wildfire/smoke/AQ services and clients/tools via AQ Community Portal and Applications
21 3. Interacting (binding) with distributed data Key message: Multiple tools for visualization and analysis can each uniquely work with a shared, common pool of data resources
22 4. Interoperability of GEO Information System Key message: Data Access services provide software interop; Standard metadata provide Humanware interop
23 Services Service Broker Service Provider Service User Components:Provider – User – Broker Actions: Register– Discover - access Service providers register service metadata to a service broker. Service users find the needed service and get access key from a service broker With the access key, users bind to the service provider The result is a dynamic binding mechanism between the service users and providers ISO CSW W*S CSW ISO 19115
24 Collage of various clients and/or second descriptions of each client and how it connects with GCI During and after 2007 S. California Smoke Event, show applications using data accessed via GCI
25 Summary / Next Steps
26 AIP-2 Air Quality & Health WG Participants (add your logo)