Welcome to the PBIS Workshop
Please help yourself to refreshments and snacks We will start at 3:45pm
Please help yourself to refreshments and snacks We will start at 3:45pm
Quarterway PBIS School Climate Matrix Hallway Expectations Quiet
Quarterway PBIS School Climate Matrix Hallway Expectations Stay in line
Quarterway PBIS School Climate Matrix Walk with quiet feet, hands to side Hallway Expectations
Quarterway PBIS School Climate Matrix Eyes forward Hallway Expectations
Quarterway PBIS School Climate Matrix Be polite, keep to right! Hallway Expectations
Quarterway PBIS School Climate Matrix Hands to self Hallway Expectations
Quarterway PBIS School Climate Matrix Use correct door Hallway Expectations
Welcome to the PBIS Workshop
Please help yourself to refreshments and snacks We will start at 3:45pm
Please help yourself to refreshments and snacks We will start at 3:45pm
EMERGENCY DRILL Expectations Brechin PBIS School Climate Matrix
BE RESPONSIBLE Stay calm. Follow directions. Keep hands & feet to self. Brechin PBIS School Climate Matrix
BE RESPECTFUL Listen quietly. Assist when instructed Brechin PBIS School Climate Matrix
BE SAFE Line up without talking. Evacuate quickly. Brechin PBIS School Climate Matrix
Assembly Expectations
Please help yourself to refreshments and snacks We will start at 3:45pm
Please help yourself to refreshments and snacks We will start at 3:45pm