DEMONSTRATION ON PLANTING MAIZE USING A SINGLE SEED PER STATION Self instructional material for extension workers With review questions By Yakosa Tegha
HOME WELCOME TO MAIZE PLANTING Demonstration Final review questions Introduction
The purpose of this instructional material is to equip agriculture extension workers so that they should train farmers. Objectives : By the end of the lesson you should be able to: Practice ridge and plant spacing for maize. Practice planting using single maize seed per station.
Why plant one seed of maize per station? Planting a single seed per station at 25cm apart helps to obtain: A plant population of over 53,000 per hectare. Increased yield of over 10,000kg per hectare for improved maize varieties and 3,000kg per hectare for unimproved varieties. Maize Yield
Demonstration Land preparation Land should be deeply tilled to facilitate good root penetration, that allows the plant to get more water and mineral elements. Land must be prepared before the first rains so that planting is done with the first rains.
Demonstration continued Review questions 1. When should land be prepared? a. Before the first rains b. Just after the first rains c. All the above
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Demonstration cont. How to plant maize Materials required Maize seed Hoe 1 meter spacing stick calibrated at 25cm Planting fertilizer (23:21:0+4s) Plates Pen Coca-Cola bottle tops
Demonstration cont. STEPS FOR PLANTING Step 1 Make the ridges at 75cm apart; verify the measurements using the 75cm spacing stick.
Demonstration cont. Lay the 1 meter stick that has been calibrated at 25cm apart on top of the ridge. Next to each 25cm mark dig a small hole with a hoe, the center of the hole should line up with the mark on the stick.
Review question If you were to make ridges for planting maize, what should be the distance between the ridges? a. 25 cm b. 75 cm c. 90 cm
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Demonstration cont. Step 2 Cut a hole as deep as writing pen (15cm) in the small hole you dug The holes must be deep enough so that we have room to put some soil in to separate fertilizer and the seed.
Review questions How deep should the hole be? a. 25cm b. As deep as a writing pen (15cm) c. 75cm
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Demonstration cont. Step 3 Put one Coca-Cola bottle top full of fertilizer in the hole
Review question What should farmers use to put fertilizer in a hole? a. Coca-Cola bottle top b. Any type of bottle top c. Tea spoon
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Demonstration cont. Step 4 Fill the hole half way with soil Make sure that the fertilizer is completely covered to avoid burning the seed
Review question What should be done after putting fertilizer in the hole? a. Fill the hole with soil b. Fill the hole half way with soil c. Do not fill the hole with soil
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Step 5 Place one maize seed in the half filled hole
Step 6 Cover the hole with soil
Review questions How many seeds should be placed in the hole? a. Two seeds b. One or two seeds c. One seed
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Final review questions How much space should we have between planting stations for seeds in a ridge? a. 75cm b. 25cm c. 30cm
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How much space should we have between ridges? a. 25cm b. 75cm c. 90cm
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When should farmers prepare land for planting? a. Before the first rains b. Just after the first rains c. All the above
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What is the yield of improved varieties per hectare after planting a single seed per station? a. 15,00kg b. 10,000kg c. 3,000kg Sorry your answer is not correct, try again.
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