The Aztec
Located in present day Mexico City and the surrounding area
The Aztec built beautiful cities that rivaled the cities of Europe.
The Aztec built floating gardens called chinampas.
The Aztec were polytheistic (worshipped many gods) and practiced human sacrifice to appease their gods.
The Aztec had fierce armies that conquered neighboring peoples.
Often times the people they conquered would be used as sacrifices.
Montezuma II was their leader when they were conquered by the Spanish.
Montezuma believed that Cortes was a god. The Aztec had never seen huge ships, white people or horses before and this frightened them. The Aztec welcomed Cortes and his men into their city and gave them gifts. Eventually the Aztec and Spanish fought one another.
Who do you think won the war between the Aztec and the Spanish? Why?
The Aztec far outnumbered the Spanish, but the Spanish were still able to defeat the Aztec. The Spanish had: Superior weapons – guns, cannons, swords and armor. Horses Native American allies, European Diseases
The Aztec were conquered by the Spanish conquistador (conqueror) Hernan Cortes.