In Acts 15, Some See… Denominational organizations Church councils Synod to decide beliefs Voting on church doctrine Something other than Statement- Command,


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Presentation transcript:

In Acts 15, Some See… Denominational organizations Church councils Synod to decide beliefs Voting on church doctrine Something other than Statement- Command, Example, and Necessary Implication

I Background Information Ac.15 paves the way for rest of Acts This controversy was bound to rise as soon as the gospel reached beyond Palestine (Ac.1:8) –The interest in converting Gen- tiles began in Ac.10 –Paul’s first journey concentrated on Gentiles (Ac.13-14)

A shocking development Gentile Christians (who were not Jewish proselytes) shocked Jewish Christians –1 Sm.17:26; Ac.11:3 Questions: 1.What is the relation of Gentile converts to Law of Moses? 2.Should they be circumcised? 3.Should Jewish brethren view them as Christians?

Acts 15 and Gal. 2 Ac.15:1-2 –Acts 10 did not convince Jews that God accepted Gentiles unless they first became Jews –“He who believes, is baptized, and circumcised will be saved” Ga.2:3, Titus was a test case Ga.2:4, false brethren (Ac.6:7) –These would have rejected Titus as a brother

Acts 15:1-6 Ac.15:1Ac.15:1, Antioch; Ga.2:5, Jerusalem –Paul refused to compromise Ac.15:2Ac.15:2 (Ga.2:2), why did Paul & B. go to Jerusalem? Ac.15:3Ac.15:3, not all Jews were alike Ac.15:4-5protestAc.15:4-5, public meeting; protest Ac.15:6-7responseAc.15:6-7, public meeting; response –Ga.2:2, 6-10, a private meeting in between

II Proof Proof number 1 Proof number 1 : Peter, 7-11 –7, cannot explain away Ac. 10 (11:17) –8, God “knows the heart” (1:24) –9, no distinction between us [Jews] and them [Gentiles = 10:34-35] –9, purifying = 10:15 doubt –10, to tempt God = to doubt His decision and knowledge of hearts –11, we do not find salvation in Jewish Law, but in grace of God An approved example forces a conclusionAn approved example forces a conclusion

Proof number 2 Proof number 2: (v. 12) Barnabas and Paul speak The multitude was listening God demonstrated His accep- tance of Gentiles w/o benefit of circumcision (Ac.13-18) –An approved example forces a conclusion

Proof number 3 Proof number 3: (vv ) 14, Simon, Jewish name 15-17, prophets agree w. Peter Am.9:11-12 –David’s fallen tent would be rebuilt –Kingdom would be restored when Gentiles wear Lord’s name Ro.15:9-12 A statement forces a conclusionA statement forces a conclusion 18, reception of Gentiles may seem new and startling, but...

III Forced Conclusions 19, not referring to the doctrine but to best way to spread the word: 20 22, decide (to send men w. Paul and Barnabas to Antioch…) –The whole assembly agreed 23-29, the letter: –24, silence does not authorize

IV Lessons 1. Not all reasoning is the same –Human reasoning sets aside Scripture; lawlessness. Je.10:23 –Reasoning on Scripture is not only good, but necessary. Is.1:18 Ac.10:…19, cogitate over; ponder, think about –God made Peter reach his own conclusions Ac.17:11; 24:24-25

2. God teaches by means of forced conclusions –Necessary conclusions / implications / forced conclusions Ac.10:28 show –What did God show Peter? Ac.16:10, to put together –2 + 2 –General authority often requires this reasoning

General Authority Illustrated (Acts 16:10) If they can’t swim to Macedonia, they must board a ship. Which ship? What day and what time of day must they board? E.g.: 9 am? What fare must they pay? Is it acceptable to stop on the voyage? (V.11) What city in Macedonia? Philippi??

Conclusions about general authority In making these decisions, they’re still simply doing what God said 1. In making these decisions, they’re still simply doing what God said –Since He didn’t specify, they must make judgments; each is authorized Some misuse these concepts: 2. Some misuse these concepts: –Demand specific authority for everything “Church building…?” (Hb.10:25) “Containers…?” – Assume general authority doesn’t count

3. Acts 15 shows how to achieve unity –Ac.15:22 –Ac.15:25 –Contrast vv. 5, 7

4. This account shows the power of the written word (Ac. 16:4) –There was no need for another trip to Jerusalem, or for the people to hear the news from Peter’s own mouth (a repeat of Ac.15) Once written, the effect was permanent Mk.l6:16,17-20