Faith and Proof Learning Objective: Do you need proof to believe in God? I can create my own definition of the term proof. I can evaluate whether we need proof to believe in God. I can explain why I do or do not believe in something.
Is this proof? Is this proof that people can walk on water?
Proof Definition On your post it note write down your own definition of proof. 2 people are going to be given a Dictionary – they are going to find the definition and see how close your definitions are! They will score people out of 10. Dictionary Corner!
Proof There are things that people believe in because they have proof and there are things that people do not believe in because there is a lack of proof. One of the arguments against the existence of God is that there is a lack of proof – because we cannot see God then God cannot exist. Is this a good argument?
Do you have to have absolute proof to believe in God? People stake their lives on religious beliefs which generally cannot be proved and may often seem unreasonable. This does not however mean that they are foolish. Some of the most intelligent people in history have placed God at the centre of their lives and have lived lives of obedience to God.
Evaluate Think back to our definition of proof from the beginning of the lesson. How strong an argument is ‘God can’t exist because there is no proof’ on a scale of = weak argument 5 = strong argument Discuss with the person next to you. You have 2 minutes!
Unit Overviews You are now going to complete your unit overview for this lesson. 1)On your continuum line place a cross to show your opinion on the question ‘Does God exist?’ Has this lesson on faith and proof changed your mind? 2)In the box explain whether you think the argument ‘God cannot exist because there is no proof’ is a strong or weak argument against God. x I think that ‘God cannot exist because there is no proof’ is a weak argument against God because you don’t have to have proof in something in order to believe in it. Faith can be just as strong as proof and is a special thing to have.