Introduction to Psychology Unit 7: Motivation and Intelligence Instructor: Sara Barnett
Warm-Up Questions ► What makes a person intelligent? ► How do you know if a person is intelligent? ► Do you think intelligence tests are biased in any way?
Announcements ► Please me if you have submitted late work on the DB that has yet to be graded ► Please complete all parts of the DBs in order to earn as many points as possible!
Intelligence ► Intelligence: Ability that allows one to adapt to the environment and behave in a goal-directed way ► Intelligence Quotient: The measure of an individual’s intelligence (Mental Age/Chronological Age) ► Mental Age: The age that reflects ones ability in comparison to others
Intelligence ► Alfred Binet ( ) - Defined intelligence as the capacity to find and maintain a purpose, adapt a strategy, reach that purpose, and evaluate and adjust as necessary - Developed a test to assess general cognitive abilities, such as attention, judgment, and reasoning - 30 Tasks put forth on first intelligence test, now know as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test
Intelligence ► David Wechsler - Criticized Binet’s test as drawing conclusions that are too broad/summarize single score - Developed subscales to represent different cognitive abilities: a) Verbal Score: comprehension, vocabulary, information, similarities, arithmetic, etc. b) Performance Score: object assembly, block design, picture comprehension, picture arrangement, etc. c) Overall Score
Example IQ Test Questions 1. What does it mean when people say haste makes waste? 2. Why are convicted criminals put into prison? 3. What are six New England States? 4. In what ways are an ostrich and a penguin alike? 5. Repeat these numbers backwards:
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences ► Linguistic ► Spatial ► Logical-Mathematical ► Musical ► Interpersonal ► Intrapersonal ► Naturalistic ► Existential
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Linguistic The ability to learn and use language(s) Spatial The ability to recognize and manipulate patterns Logical-Mathematical The ability to problem- solve in a logical way Musical The ability to compose, perform, and appreciate music Bodily The ability to use one’s body to solve problems
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Interpersonal The ability to understand intentions, motivations, and desires Intrapersonal The ability to understand one’s self Naturalistic Paying attention to the environment and related issues Existential Being concerned with ultimate issues/higher truths
Motivation ► Motivation: the activation behind goal- oriented behavior - Instinct Theory: Motives are driven by instinct to support survival and procreation - Primary Drive Theory: Motives are driven by the need for peace/homeostasis - Drive-Reduction Theory: Motives are driven by biological urges - Incentive Theory: Motives are driven by the search for reward
Motivation Questions ► What motivates you? ► What are some of the goals that drive you?
Manslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ► 1. Physiological ► 2. Safety ► 3. Belonging/Love ► 4. Esteem/Recognition ► 5. Cognitive/Exploration ► 6. Aesthetic ► 7. Self-Actualization ► 8. Transcendence
Questions, Comments, Reflections ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????