The Digestive System By: Sophie Navarro, Chase Call, Kiana LaBella, Davin Villareal, and Gavin Aco
Peritonitis Inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity. Before antibiotics, people would die from peritonitis if an inflamed appendix burst. Indications of peritonitis are called “peritoneal signs”: tender abdomen, rebound pain (pain when manual pressure released from examining abdomen), board-like rigidity of abdominal muscles, no bowel sounds (gurgles). The peritoneal membrane is very sensitive to exposure to foreign substances. Contact with blood, bile, urine, pus will cause peritoneal signs.
Colon Cancer Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine (colon), the lower part of your digestive system. Rectal cancer is cancer of the last several inches of the colon. Together, they're often referred to as colorectal cancers.
Cirrhosis Literally, “orange-yellow” in Greek. A degenerative disease of the liver that often develops in chronic alcoholics, but has other causes. The name refers to the appearance of the organ.
Jaundice Literally means “yellow” in French. Yellowing of the skin and white of the eyes from a backup of bile metabolic by-products from the blood into body tissues. May result in blockage of the ducts draining bile from the liver into the intestines or excessive breakdown of red blood cells. Hemoglobin from destroyed RBC’s is broken down, and in part, ends up in bile secretions
Anus The opening at the far end of the digestive tract through which stool (feces) leaves the body. It is formed from surface areas of the surface of the body. This includes skin and part of the intestine. The anus is lined with an external skin and a muscular ring called the anal sphincter keeps it closed.
Rectum A chamber that begins at the beginning of a small intestine and ends at the anus. The rectum is usually empty because the stool (feces) is stored higher than the descending colon. Stool eventually moves to the rectum and this causes the urge to move the bowels (to poop).
Large Intestine This consists of cecum and ascending (right) colon, transverse colon, descending (left) colon, and sigmoid colon (which is connected to the rectum). The large intestine can further digest some material creating gas (fart). Bacteria taking place in the large intestine creates important substances such as Vitamin K, which plays an important role in blood clotting.
Small Intestine The first segment of the small intestine is the duodenum, which is hat the stomach releases food into. The duodenum is in charge of telling the stomach when to stop eating. Jejunum and ileum are located below the duodenum. They are responsible for absorbing fats and nutrients. These transform into liquid that is later mixed with water, mucus, biles, and enzymes.
Pancreas The Pancreas is an organ that contains two types of glandular tissue, pancreatic acini and isles of Langerhans. The acini produces digestive enzymes whereas the isles produce hormones. They are activated only wen they reach the digestive tract. The three hormones produced by pancreas are insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin.
Gallbladder The gallbladder stores bile, a greenish yellow, thick, sticky fluid consisting of bile salts, electrolytes, bile pigments, cholesterol, and other fats. Bile has two important functions: to assist in digestion and absorption of fats, and the elimination of certain waste products from the body.
Stomach The stomach is a bean-shaped hollow organ consisting of cardia, body fundus, and antrum. Food gets to the stomach by passing through the lower esophageal sphincter. The upper stomach is a storage for food and the lower stomach mixes the food with acid and enzymes.
Liver It is a large organ with several functions. In the liver, the food is absorbed into the intestinal wall, which is supplied with any tiny blood vessels. The nutrients later enter the liver veins. The blood from thee veins are processed in two ways. Food and bacteria are removed from the intestine and removed from the blood, and the nutrients are further broken down to be used by the body.
Esophagus The esophagus is a muscular channel. It is lined with mucous membranes that connect the throat with the stomach. Food and fluids propel through the esophagus by not just gravity, but peristalsis as well. The higher and lower esophagus features open and close. These prevent you from vomiting.
Pharynx The pharynx, also known as the throat, lies behind and below the mouth. Swallowing food and fluids begins voluntarily, and continues automatically. The epiglottis, a small flap, closes to prevent food and fluids from going down the windpipe, towards the lungs.
Mouth The mouth, aka the oral cavity, is a hollow cavity that allows food and air to enter the body. It contains the teeth, tongue, and the salivary glands that work together to aid in digestion and indigestion of food. The mouth also plays a major movement of speech from the tongue, lips, and cheeks
Salivary Glands It produces saliva to moisten the insides of your mouth.