Welcome!! We’re glad you’re here. “Greater understanding of mathematics will be essential for today’s school children. Success in tomorrow’s job market will require more than computational competence. It will require the ability to apply mathematical knowledge to solve problems.” - National Research Council
Tonight’s Agenda Why Investigations? How is it different? Why is my child playing games? How do I help with homework? What are other ways I can help my child at home?
Why Investigations? Thinking & Reasoning Deep Understanding Making Connections Learning to Communicate their mathematical ideas Problem Based Instruction
Why is all of this important? Research shows we’re not being very successful in math as a Nation. Generally, students are good at computing, but aren’t very good at applying math to situations. Problem solving continues to be problematic.
Let’s Think Back… Turn to your neighbor and describe your math class growing up. Did you enjoy it? Do you love math today? Do you remember all the steps you learned? Did it make sense? How did you practice?
It comes down to…. We now know more about the best way for students to learn math.
What’s Different? A Traditional Classroom An Investigations Classroom Passive & QuietActive & Conversation Memorized ProceduresLearning shortcuts after building a deep understanding DrillsDrills (Games) 30 naked computation problems with 2 word problems at the end 1-2 Great problems at a time
Inside an Investigations Classroom
Games Let’s play On-Off
Games Games are a central part of the program (not enrichment). Games help students practice computation and develop familiarity with the number system. Games help students think strategically. Games provide practice Games are meant to be played over and over.
Homework Solving one or two problems in various ways Communicating mathematical thinking Playing games Preparing for a future math lesson by collecting data, taking measurements, or making materials
How Can I Help at Home? Be a math advocate!! The single most important thing you can do at home is help your child believe that he or she is capable of doing math!
More Ways to Help at Home Count anything with your child. Roll change Let your child help you cook, sew, do projects Run errands Read math stories together Go on a shapes hunt in your neighborhood Sort Buttons Post a calendar Play Board Games & Investigations Games
Ways to Support Investigations Wait to show your child the short cuts & allow him/her time to be inefficient and time to think. Praise thinking and not just right answers Ask him or her to explain their strategy Play the games with your child
Please proceed to your child’s classroom for game night. Thank you for coming.