Foundations Non-profit organizations organizations Corporations Government agencies
Independent foundations Community foundations (look here first) (look here first) Operating foundations Family foundations
Cash In-kind services Matching Gift Product Donations
Federal Grants State Grants Local Grants Pass-through funds
Project grant Operating grant Restricted grant General purpose Start-up funds Challenge grant Matching grant Regrant program In-kind contribution Technical assistance Fellowships Awards and prizes
Search by: Federal or State web site, by Department Association type Foundations Corporations (great for technology product donation) Search engines, Google, Dogpile, Yahoo, Excite: use key terms, “grants k-8 education use key terms, “grants k-8 education” Network contacts
Know your project and be able to articulate your needs State the reason for your request clearly and concisely Look for funding from local sources first Use the most up-to-date statistics to support your request Make sure your proposal is readable and easy to understand Seek out individuals who have successfully received grants