Exploring Dates Exploring Dates
Early Life Early Life Born 1455 Genoa, Italy Died 1499 England Cabot as a boy lived in a major city along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Cabot lived in a town were many materials were imported like silk, precious stones, metals, and spices.
Places Visited Places Visited America Cabot was interested in finding a new sea route to the Indies. Cabot wanted to find Asia.
Interesting Facts Interesting Facts Cabot wanted to find Asia but instead he ran into America. Cabot and his crew landed along the shores of what now is Canada. King Henry VII supported Cabot on his long journey to claim new land for England.
Areas Explored Areas Explored Cabot explored the St. Lawrence River, Shores of Labrador, and the eastern seacoast. Cabot sailed along the Atlantic Ocean. Cabot discovered Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.
Resources Resources ot.html ot.html ot.html xplorers.htm xplorers.htm xplorers.htm By Ryan Zimmerman and Sebastian Barrett