Chapter 14: Kings and Queens Learning Objectives: Describe the goal of King Philip II of Spain Describe the Spanish Armada and what happened to it Name the good things that King Henry IV did for France Explain why King Henry VIII set up a Church of England Explain why Queen Elizabeth was called “Good Queen Bess” Language Objectives: Practice defining, understanding new words Practice reading aloud Summarize main ideas Practice writing lecture notes
Post-Reading Questions-Section 1 What did the Spanish Inquisition do to the Moors and Jews in Spain? What was the goal of King Philip II of Spain? What happened to the Spanish Armada when it reached the English Channel?
The Age of Monarchs Spain, France and England became nation-states, ruled by monarchs – kings & queens Within each nation ▫People felt loyal to their rulers ▫People felt a bond with the country & each other ▫Everyone spoke similar languages & had similar customs The feelings toward your country are called nationalism Nationalism and religious beliefs became important during the 16 th century
The Age of Monarchs Monarchs from France, Spain, England follow different religions ▫Roman Catholic ▫Protestant Their differences sometimes led to war & sometimes into national decline The monarch’s personalities & religious beliefs changed the lives of most people in Western Europe
Spain In the 1400s, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were Catholic ▫Wanted only Catholics living in Spanish areas ▫Used Inquisition to drive out non-Catholics Moors (Spanish Muslims) – went to North Africa Jews – went to Middle East & Europe Protestants ▫Many were tortured or killed
King Ferdinand of SpainQueen Isabella of Spain
King Philip II Ruled Spain from Most powerful monarch in Europe Spain = strongest European nation ▫Held many other lands ▫Controlled rich American colonies ▫Philip’s reign began Spain’s decline ▫Goal: Crush Protestantism Make all Europe Catholic
King Philip II of Spain
King Philip II and the Netherlands Netherlands were ruled by SpainNetherlands ▫The people living there are Dutch & mostly Protestants King wants all Protestants to convert to Catholics Dutch people don’t like King ▫Want religious freedom ▫Taxes too high ▫Dutch Prince William of Orange leads rebellion ▫1581 Netherlands declare independence from Spain.
King Philip II and England King is married to Queen Mary I of England ▫Henry VIII’s 1 st daughter ▫She is Catholic – wants England to be Catholic ▫She reigned for 5 years She died - her half-sister Elizabeth became Queen - Protestant ▫Her brother-in-law, Philip II, is enemy to her ▫She sends help to Netherlands to fight him ▫Gave them ships, and had English ships attack Spanish ships ▫She interfered with uniting Europe under Catholicism
The Spanish Armada - VideoVideo King Philip II goes to war with England ▫Sent 130 giant ships (galleons) to attack England ▫Fleet of ships = Armada He thought they could not be beaten ▫Small English ships moved easily and attacked galleons in English Channel ▫After week of fighting, Spanish Armada escaped to North Sea and sailed around British Isles North Sea ▫Ships were wrecked, many men killed, and Spain went into decline
English Ship versus Spanish Galleon
France France had many religious wars also Trouble started with Protestant Reformation Huguenots (French Protestants) fought Catholics Spanish King Philip II and the pope supported the Catholics in France
France English Queen Elizabeth I sent help to Huguenots A massacre on St. Bartholomew’s Day in 1572 killed thousands of ProtestantsSt. Bartholomew’s Day The Catholic King was killed, but before he died, he named Henry of Navarre to be King – King Henry IV He was a Huguenot!
“Good King Henry IV” The Protestant King became Catholic to bring peace Changes Henry made ▫Edict of Nantes – gave Protestants religious freedom ▫Made France rich, strong ▫Helped farmers, new roads, trade & manufacturing ▫Explorers founded 1 st French colony in North America ▫Nationalism grew He was assassinated, but many of his changes remained
England After many years of civil war, Henry Tudor became King of England – Henry VII He was good for England and its economy Henry VIII, his son, became King when he died Had 6 wives – wanted a son Catherine Mary Marriage annulled Anne Boleyn Elizabeth Anne beheaded Jane Seymour EdwardJane died
King Henry VIII Henry VIII converted England to Protestant He was named head of Church of England Boy King Edward took throne when Henry VIII died He was 9 “Boy King” Protestantism grew, became state religion Only ruled for 6 years - died King Edward “Boy King”
“Bloody Mary” Queen Mary I Strong Roman Catholic Made new laws to enforce Catholicism Married Spanish King Philip II Both wanted Europe to be Catholic Bloody Mary – burned Protestants to death Parliament would not make England Catholic again She died after reign of 5 years
“Good Queen Bess” - Elizabeth She reigned for 45 years Country became united under Protestantism Nationalism grew, people loved the Queen Defeated Spanish Armada = England proud She loved England – never married Last of the Tudor family line
Elizabeth’s England Her reign is called “Elizabethan Age” Great writers like Shakespeare Globe Theater built – plays performed People became wealthier, cities safer Few wars New laws – higher employment Shelter for the poor Exploration ▫New products – tobacco, potatoes ▫Riches from Spanish ships