Thermo-Mechanical Modules 10 th August 2015, Petal/Stave Meeting Strip Module Meeting; 26th October Phil Allport, Matt Baca, Daniel Briglin, James Broughton, Andy Chisholm, Laura Gonella, Kostas Nikolopoulos, Simon Pyatt, Juergen Thomas, John Wilson Thermo-mechanical modules in final stage of attaching edge wire-bonds A lot of time spent on module metrology with Mitutoyo Crysta-Apex CMM but difficult to see consistent results measuring from sensor surface to ASIC surface Many cross-checks and measurements from granite base to sensors and ASICs separately Marks on sensors and direct force measurements on CMM probe show that touch-contact is too severe for sensor measurement (~500g) In discussion with OGP for order of SmartScope CNC Multi-Sensor Measuring Machine with DRS Laser Package including DRS Laser Adapter and sensor (check specs with others before order)
Preparations for Irradiation of ABCN250 hybrids at Birmingham 10 th August 2015, Petal/Stave Meeting Status much as Module Meeting 26 th Oct B'ham workshop has cut one empty V4 panel (from L'pool) into one-hybrid slices using a 'waterjet cutter' machine Simon has clean slices in preparation for wire-bonding. Removing one 'dead' hybrid (no data output, but holds power) to initial wire-bonding tests. When wired-up, do power-tests. Possibly even move into coldbox as a first real test (cool-down to -25C). Can we run without vacuum ? 3D-printed frame to safely hold hybrid on aluminium plate inside irradiation coldbox. Thanks to Luise for sending 3D frame design files from petal module irradiation setup. → Modify them for our hybrid size and print in-house. Somewhat risky to try without this frame (rip-out wires). During silicon sensor irradiation, found quite some noise on single-ended signals from temperature sensors to Arduino (but not humidity sensors) in the coldbox while stage motors are running (15m RS232 cable). May not be a concern for hybrid data cables (LVDS), but be aware and probably consider RJ45 network cables as in testbeam. Strip Module Meeting; 26th October Phil Allport, Matt Baca, Daniel Briglin, James Broughton, Andy Chisholm, Laura Gonella, Kostas Nikolopoulos, Simon Pyatt, Juergen Thomas, John Wilson
ABC130 Single-Chip Board: Test system setup 10 th August 2015, Petal/Stave Meeting ABC130Driver ('Cambridge board') at B'ham: Simon has wired-up 16pin Molex connector according to instructions on Twiki 'ABC130SingleChip'. (protective diode was fitted, Xilinx f/w already loaded). Powered-up ABC130Driver (3.3V), adjusted ITSDAQ config, s/w version r3315, communication with Atlys seems ok (Twiki: 'StripsUpgradeABC130Experience') Also received single-chip ABC130 board with mini-sensor fitted from RAL, plan to power-up tomorrow (Any special tricks ? Eg power-up sequence ?) For irradiation of single-chip boards: Prepare long data cable (a la SEU setup Toronto/CERN). Phil and new postgrad Daniel Briglin visiting RichardT at CERN on Monday. Laura joining this program. DAQload: Juergen to visit RAL visit for pick-up next Wed, 11 th Nov, to learn how to run them, wiring details etc. WP3 Meeting; 5 th November