History of the Ancient and Medieval World Emergence of a Christian Church Walsingham Academy Mrs. McArthur Room 111
(A little reverse psychology) Are you ready? (for exams, of course) It’s a wonderful time of year…. December 17, 2010
Tapping into Prior Knowledge: The blood of the martyr is the seed of the [Christian] Church. 1.What, according to Jesus, are the two most important commandments upon which all law is based? 2.According to his Sermon on the Mount, what does Jesus say is the reward for being merciful? Explain this quote:
St. Bartholomew with Skin
Assignment 1 due 11/30 Assignment 1 due 11/30 1.Read text, pp (top) 2.Answer 3 Checkpoint questions 3.Complete Geography Interactive, pp Copy definitions of key vocabulary: messiah, apostle, martyrs, Constantine. Friday, December 6: Test: pp
Assignment 2 due 12/01 Read materials, text, pp Answer biography question, pp 170. Complete Recall questions 1-2,(only words not already defined in Assignment 1) Complete Comprehension questions, 3-5 Friday, December 6: Test: pp
In-Class Activity Groups For 1-4, include: vocabulary, key ideas (see black paragraph headings) and checkpoint, comprehension, caption questions. 1.Early Empire Includes Diverse Religions 2.Jesus Proclaims His Teachings 3.Message of Christ Spreads 4.The Early Christian Church Develops 5.Map-Spread of Christianity 6.Map Review-Rome
The Message Spreads 1.How did Paul spread Christianity? 2.What was the effect of his missionary work? 3.Why did the Romans persecute Christians? 4.How did the unity of the Empire make the missionaries’ work easier?
Assignment 3 due 12/02 Read St Paul: First Letter to the Corinthians, text, pp 172 Define prophetic in context of reading. Complete Thinking Critically questions, 1-2 Why might Paul feel that Christian communities such as the Corinthians needed mentoring? Friday, December 6: Test: pp
Last Assignment of Week Be sure to have completed viewing (or alternate reading) of videos, RIFC Organize your materials for test preparation. Be sure to have completed viewing (or alternate reading) of videos, RIFC Organize your materials for test preparation.