P RESCHOOL Q UALITY I MPROVEMENT P ROGRAMMING Parent Training and Support Preschool Children With Disabilities & Children with Autism
F AMILY I NVOLVEMENT & S UPPORT High Quality Program Objectives Incorporate the family’s goals and concerns; The program supports family members as active participants; The program provides parents with timely information about educational issues, effective method and service options; Foster coordination between home and school.
F AMILY I NVOLVEMENT & S UPPORT High Quality Program Objectives Provide parents with information about child development; Assist parents acquire new skills; Implement new skills and reduce challenging behaviors; Demonstrate to parents the effectiveness of program and the abilities of the staff.
I MPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Meet with parents on a ongoing basis times per year. Provide preschool instructors with common planning time embedded into their schedule. Share with parents the methods, techniques used in the classroom to shape attending behaviors, and readiness skills for academic success.
P ARENT T RAINING T OPICS Preschoolers & Shaping Improved Behaviors Speech Development & Early Learners Steps to Encourage Increased Independence The Role of Occupational Therapy in Childhood Development Understanding Growth Patterns & Child Development The Role of Reinforcement, Routines & Rest.
S TAFF C ONFERENCES & T RAINING F OR P RE S CHOOL I NSTRUCTORS Proactive Teaching and Establishing Routines Reinforcement and Preference Assessments Training in the Naturalistic Setting Discrete Trials & Verbal Behavior Data Collection: Analysis and Graphing Implementing Behavior Plans Increasing Communication Using Visuals
S CHEDULE DateProgramActivityProfessional Development Preschool – Stepping Stones & Pathways Parent Training [A.M.] Managing Transitions Common Planning Data Analysis and Graphing * Minimum Preschool - Bridges, Stepping Stones & Pathway Parent Training [P.M.] Establishing Routines Common Planning Proactive Teaching & Routines * Minimum Preschool - Stepping Stones & Pathway Common Planning A.M. & P.M. Reinforcement Schedules and Preference Assessment In Service Day Preschool - Bridges, Stepping Stones & Pathway Common Planning A.M. & P.M. PEC & Increasing Independence
S CHEDULE DateProgramActivityProfessional Development * Minimum Preschool – Stepping Stones & Pathways Parent Training [P.M.] Using Positive Behavior Supports Common Planning Teaching in the Naturalistic Environmen t Preschool - Stepping Stones & Pathway Parent Training [A.M.] Encouraging Independence Common Planning Implementing Behavior Support Plans Preschool - Stepping Stones & Pathway Parent Training [P.M.] The Role of the OT in Preschool Education Common Planning Discrete Trial Training & Verbal Behavior Preschool - Bridges, Stepping Stones & Pathway Staff and Parent Conferences Scholastic Intervention & Child Progress
P ARENT T RAINING W ORKSHOP S ERIES D ENVILLE T OWNSHIP S CHOOLS, THE O FFICE OF S PECIAL S ERVICES CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND AN EVENING WORKSHOP SERIES “Introduction to Behavior Management” Tuesday 10/8/13 “Autism and Behavior” Wednesday 11/6/13 “Establishing Successful Routines” Tuesday 12/3/13 “Strategies to Improve Child Safety” Wednesday 1/8/14 “Successfully Managing Transitions” Tuesday 2/4/14 “Improving Social Skills” Wednesday 3/5/14 “Speech, Language and Behaviors” Tuesday 4/1/14 “Sensory Needs and Behaviors” Wednesday 5/7/14 “Planning for Downtime and Summer” Wednesday 6/4/14