Ch. 2/3 Warm Up Early civilizations Geography and Economics
Tue. 10/6 1. What were the 4 early river valley civilizations? The 4 early river valley civilizations were Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China. (Remember: MICE live in the river valley!)
Wed., 10/7 2. What characteristics did early civilizations have in common? The characteristics early civilizations had in common were cities, government, religion, social structures, writing, and art. (Remember: Crazy Girls aRe So Willfully Annoying!)
Thu., 10/8 3. Most early civilizations had what type of government? Most early civilizations’ government was a monarchy.
Fri.,10/9 4. What line divides the Earth into Eastern and Western halves? 5. What line divides the Earth into Northern and Southern halves? The Prime Meridian is the line that divides the Earth into Eastern and Western halves. The line that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern halves is the equator.
Tue. 10/13 6. What can geographers use to more accurately find the exact location of a place? Lines of latitude and longitude help geographers more accurately find the exact location of a place.
Wed. 10/14 7. What does each type of map show? A physical map shows land and water. A political map shows names and borders of countries. A special purpose map shows specific kinds of information.
Fri., 10/16 8. What are the 4 major kinds of resources in economics and what does each one mean? (You can draw a table.) The 4 major kinds of resources in economics: capital land laborentrepreneurship Money and goods used to make or do things The surface of the Earth and the resources found in and on it The ability of people to do work The act of running a business and taking risks
Mon., 10/19 9. What are the 4 types of economies, and how are decisions made in each? (You can make a table.) Traditional Command Market Mixed Economic decisions are made based on customs Economic decisions are made by the government Economic decisions are made by the individual Some economic decisions are made by the individual and some are made by the government
Tue., 10/ How do supply and demand balance each other over time? 11. What is bartering? Supply and demand balance each other over time by agreeing on a price. Bartering is trading goods for goods.