Intoducation of clinical nutrition
Lecture Objectives At the end of this lecture the students will be able to: 1. Identify some Terms as: (Nutrition, diet, food, nutrients and optimal nutrition). 2. Explain factors that influence nutrition. 3. List team approach. 4. Discuss classification of Foods by chemical composition.
Introduction We want first understand the importance of making good nutritional decisions and realize how healthy eating habits impact their everyday lives. Purpose : – To achieve or maintain good nutritional status.
Terms Definition Nutrition: defined as is the sum of the process by which the body uses food for energy, maintenance, and growth. Optimal nutrition: means that a person is receiving and using the essential nutrients to maintain health and well-being at the highest possible level.
Nutrient: defined as a chemical substance that is present in food and needed by the body. Organic nutrients as lipids, Fats, proteins,and Carbohydrates. Inorganic nutrients as Vitamins, Minerals, and Water. Terms Definition
Diet: defined as is a pattern of food intake developed according to physiological needs availability and individual preference. Food: defined as is any substance taken by the body needs to maintenance, growth, and repair. – Derived from plant or animal sources to Provide energy and nutrients Terms Definition
There are many factors affected on nutrition as physical psychological, sociocultural, environmental, and political economic factors. What are factors that influence nutrition? EX: Physical impairment such as cleft palate which decreases sucking. People can live for several days without food, but few days without water.
What are factors that influence nutrition 2.Psychological factors o Bored, stressed, anxiety associated with exam, and anorexia. o Overeating is a form of dependence on food as “ alcoholism” 3.Sociocultural factors Family traditions: as eating at home or outside, in a special room. Style of eating: as use fingers, chopsticks, knives. spoons,and fork. Each culture has its own traditional dishes as: religious detect type of food intake
What are factors that influence nutrition 4. Environmental factors o Climate and geographical position: as rain fall, soil fertility will determine the type of food. o Geographical position will influence as meat, fish, and so o Availability of transport. o Environment aid to both the physiological and psychological enjoyment of eating. 5. Political – economic factors o Finance available as: soil infertility, seeds, lack of irrigation, and…………ETC. o Sometimes the problem is not under nutrition but malnutrition problems of quality not quantity. o starvation
Patient Care: Team Approach 1.Physician. 2.Registered Dietitian. 3.Registered Nurse, Certified Nursing Assistant. 4.Pharmacist. 5.Speech Therapist. 6.Occupational Therapist. 7.Social Worker.
Body building foods: meat, milk, poultry, fish, eggs. Energy giving foods: cereals, sugars, fats, oils. Protective foods: vegetables, fruits, milk Classification of Foods by chemical composition
Body Composition
Carbohydrates Made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. The starches and sugars found in foods. Function( CHO): source of energy. Carbohydrates : (4 k cal for each gram). Complex = rice and other grains. Simple = sugar.
o Proteins that help build and maintain body tissues. o New proteins form, replacing damaged cells. o Complete = contains all essential amino acids. o Incomplete = lack some of the essential amino acids. o Proteins: (4 k cal for each gram). Proteins
Your body needs some fat. – Helps carry vitamins to the blood stream. Saturated = ( animal source) – Eg. Animal fats and tropical oils. Unsaturated = ( plants sources) – Eg. Vegetable Oils. Fats: (9 k cal for each gram). Fats
Compounds that help regulate many vital body processes. Water Soluble = Vitamin C and B Complex. Not stored in the body. Fat Soluble = Vitamin A, D, E and K Stored in the body. Vitamins
There are four (4) important group of minerals: Iron helps build the red blood cells Calcium help build & maintain bone tissue Sodium Potassium Minerals
Your body is mostly made up of water around 70%. Water is vital to every body function On a normal day your body will use about 10 cups of water You can also get water from food – Fruit, vegetables and milk products contain water Water