Dreams and nightmares Fifth grade The Subconscious Mind Dreams and nightmares Fifth grade
Lesson Overview Dreams and nightmares are subconscious. Some are realistic and some are metaphorical. The concepts of dreams and nightmares will be presented through the students artwork. The students will be able to interpret their peers artwork during the gallery walk.
Think of a reoccurring dream or nightmare… Pair share your example.
Dreams and Nightmares Key Concepts: Dreams and Nightmares … "Throughout history and across culture, people have been concerned with… Dreams and Nightmares." Key Concepts: Dreams and Nightmares … Dreams and nightmares can be visualized metaphorically through painting and drawing. Dreams and nightmares can be visualized realistically through paintings and drawings. Dreams and nightmares through the eyes of a psychology.
Dreams and Nightmares Essential Questions: What are dreams? What are nightmares? What causes dreams and nightmares? What do certain dreams and nightmares mean?
Lesson Objectives The students will be able to… grasp a better understanding of what dreams and nightmares mean. Express their dreams and nightmares through painting and drawing. Express their dreams and nightmares through writing.
Vocabulary Dreams and Nightmares are experienced by all people through the subconscious mind. Some dreams are experienced as metaphors and others are experienced through realism.
Inspiration Artist: Ryohei Hase Studio Investigation: Dreams and Nightmares
Ryohei Hase Resources He is a freelance illustrator and an artist based in Tokyo, Japan. He illustrates for cd's, magazines, web, games, movies and fashion photographs. His theme of painting is to express the darkness of mind which is sad and gloomy but at the same time, it's beautiful and strong. He went to Tamar art university to learn basic art skills. He has won many awards such as the 2011 spectrum 18 gold metal in advertising category, which is a medal for the best in contemporary fantastic art. Ryoheihase.com/main/profile.html
Pencils Sharpies Paint Tissue paper Glue Scissors Cotton balls Supplies Pencils Sharpies Paint Tissue paper Glue Scissors Cotton balls
Lesson Plan Grab a piece of black or white paper. Find any material you would like to use. Cut your black or white paper into a cloud. Glue all objects before you paint or draw. Draw or paint the dream or nightmare that you discussed in your group. When you are finished, tape the yarn to the back of your cloud. Hang it up in the classroom.