Exploring the movement of ethnic groups into or out of electoral wards Antonia Simon Research Officer
2 Contents 1Internal migration issue 2Some theories of migration 3Brief overview of existing research 4Research questions 5Ethnicity categories 6Migration categories 7Stages of the research and project timescale
3 Is Britain ‘sleepwalking to segregation’? 'Increasingly, we live with our own kind. The most concentrated areas, what the social scientists call “ghettos”, aren’t all poverty stricken and drug ridden. But they are places where more than two- thirds of the residents belong to a single ethnic group’(Phillips, 2005)
Some theories of migration ‘Self-selected segregation’ ‘White-flight’ ‘White-avoidance’ 4
Existing research in Britain Mapped concentrations, dispersal, residential settlement, presence or absence of ghettos Cross-sectional research: no evidence of ethnic ghettos Movement research: ‘No net White flight from highly non-white areas’ (Simpson, 2006) 5
Gap in research Little research on internal migration, in and out of an area Particularly movement towards ‘one’s own group’ Lack of evidence at electoral ward level 6
Research Questions Do people from different ethnic groups move into areas where their own ethnic group has a relatively high density? Do people from different ethnic groups move out of areas where their own ethnic group has a relatively low density? 7
Census 2001 data used 2 published tables (migration, ethnicity) Combined data available but not at right geographical level Electoral ward geography important for exploring small movements 8
8 categories of ethnicity provided White British White Irish Mixed ethnicity Asian or Asian British: Indian Asian or Asian British: Pakistani & Bangladeshi Black or Black British: Black Caribbean Black or Black British: Black African Other ethnic groups 9
Internal migration categories in 2001 census Lived at same address Lived elsewhere 1 year ago within same area No usual address 1 year ago 10
Internal migration categories (contd.) Inflow: lived elsewhere 1 year ago within ‘associated area’ Inflow: lived elsewhere 1 year ago outside associated area, but within the UK Outflow: moved out of area but within ‘associated area’ Outflow: moved out of ‘associated area’ but within the UK 11
Stages of research Review existing literature Develop indices of movement Calculate movement of people of different ethnic groups into and out of wards, including GIS mapping Produce end report, academic papers Dissemination – including Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Race Equality Foundation 12